Autodesk AutoCAD MEP 2022 (x64) | 6.16 Gb
Autodesk AutoCAD MEP is a new Autodesk product developed on the basis of AutoCAD software, which provides specialized facilities for designing construction projects. MEP stands for the three words M echanical, ie mechanical, E lectrical, meaning electrical and P lumbing, which means plumbing. Therefore, it is possible to design a variety of equipment in the building, both electrical and mechanical, as well as the design of the pipe path in this software.
Features and features of Autodesk AutoCAD MEP software:
-The familiar interface of AutoCAD software with the specialized tools required
-Designing and precise drawing of various types of construction equipment such as power grid, ventilation, lift, fire fighting equipment, pipe path
-Ability to automatically calculate the size of spaces
-Supports IFC data (stands for Industry Foundation Classes, meaning fundamental industry classes).
-The complete integration of other AutoCAD products, such as AutoCAD Architecture, Autocad Mechanical and Autocad Electrical, etc.
-The use of DWG technology and format for easy design exchange with high software
AutoCAD MEP 2022 工具集中的新增功能

IFC:由结构杆件中的干涉条件创建的洞口现在可以成功输出为 IFC。
建筑构件:现在可以输入 ADSK 文件 (.adsk)。
区域覆盖:将区域覆盖对象发布为 PDF 后,它们不再显示为黑色。
AEC 标注:当填充颜色设置为“背景”时,标注文字不再以黑色打印。
- 某些图形中的墙对象在布局中不再显示为黑色。
- 在插入窗或门后,墙颜色现在可以正确显示。
- 从“项目导航器”创建模型空间视图。
- 生成包含许多外部参照的剖面。
- 在更改默认单位后创建剖面和剖面详图索引。
- 对输入的 IFC 文件执行动态观察操作。
System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only) (version 1803 or higher)
CPU:Basic:2.5-2.9 GHz processor / Recommended:3+ GHz processor
Multiple processors:Supported by the application
RAM:Basic:8 GB/Recommended:16 GB
Display Resolution:Conventional Displays:1920 x 1080 with True Color / High Resolution & 4K Displays:Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 supported on Windows 10, 64-bit systems (with capable display card)
Disk space:Disk Space: 12GB
Home Page: https://www.autodesk.com/