Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 (x64) | 2.17 Gb
Another AutoDesk software developed on the AutoCAD platform is the AutoCAD Plant 3D program designed to design and model industrial units for oil, gas and petrochemicals. With the use of this software, it is possible to design a variety of industrial equipment and plumbing facilities with a wide library. Increasing accuracy and speed, as well as reducing production costs, are the results of using and benefiting from this program.
Features and Features of Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D:
-Optimized and professional but familiar interface for AutoCAD software
-Design of various structures, equipment, pipe
-Has the right equipment for simulation
-Having a comprehensive library including standard equipment and models
-Advanced logging of operations and the ability to search and output from the PCF format
-Ability to check the project to make optimizations
-Integration with AutoCAD P & ID software for the exchange of 3D models.
-Ability to use in a group to enhance quality and efficiencY
AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 工具集新特性

将当前项目与参照项目进行比较。指定要与当前项目进行比较的本地、协作或 Vault 项目。


“项目设置”对话框经过了重新设计,具有扩展的等轴测标注功能。使用“等轴测标注设置”,还可以访问“Iso 样式编辑器”以使用 IsoConfig.xml 的高级配置。
Plant 内容运行时升级:内置 Plant 内容现在基于 Python 3.7.9 版本。升级您的自定义脚本以与 Python 3.7.9 版本兼容。您可以使用任意可用工具将 Python 2 转换为 3。例如 2to3 工具 (https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/2to3.html)。
AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler:安装 AutoCAD Plant 3D OE 后,Navisworks 中会显示更多 Plant 3D 对象特性(包括设备管嘴详细信息)。
协作:协作项目支持新的 Autodesk Construction Cloud。当您共享或打开协作项目时,协作项目名称中的区域后缀将被删除。System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only) (version 1803 or higher)
CPU:Basic:2.5-2.9 GHz processor / Recommended:3+ GHz processor
Multiple processors:Supported by the application
RAM:Basic:8 GB/Recommended:16 GB
Display Resolution:Conventional Displays:1920 x 1080 with True Color / High Resolution & 4K Displays:Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 supported on Windows 10, 64-bit systems (with capable display card)
Disk space:Disk Space:8.0 GB
Additional Requirements:
-Disk Space: 8GB
-.NET Framework Version 4.7.2
-MS SQL Server (Express, Standard, or Enterprise edition) 2008 SP1 or newer
Home Page: https://www.autodesk.com/