MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1602886 | 18 GB
Millions of engineers and scientists worldwide use MATLAB to analyze and design the systems and products transforming our world. MATLAB is in automobile active safety systems, interplanetary spacecraft, health monitoring devices, smart power grids, and LTE cellular networks. It is used for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, computer vision, communications, computational finance, control design, robotics, and much more.新版本带来一系列新工具,帮助您预处理和分析数据、编写脚本和算法、构建 App、携手团队开发软件。
与此同时,MATLAB 的运行速度再获提升。以下是详细介绍。
Math. Graphics. Programming.
The MATLAB platform is optimized for solving engineering and scientific problems. The matrix-based MATLAB language is the world’s most natural way to express computational mathematics. Built-in graphics make it easy to visualize and gain insights from data. A vast library of prebuilt toolboxes lets you get started right away with algorithms essential to your domain. The desktop environment invites experimentation, exploration, and discovery. These MATLAB tools and capabilities are all rigorously tested and designed to work together.
Scale. Integrate. Deploy.
MATLAB helps you take your ideas beyond the desktop. You can run your analyses on larger data sets and scale up to clusters and clouds. MATLAB code can be integrated with other languages, enabling you to deploy algorithms and applications within web, enterprise, and production systems.
Key Features
- High-level language for scientific and engineering computing
- Desktop environment tuned for iterative exploration, design, and problem-solving
- Graphics for visualizing data and tools for creating custom plots
- Apps for curve fitting, data classification, signal analysis, and many other domain-specific tasks
- Add-on toolboxes for a wide range of engineering and scientific applications
- Tools for building applications with custom user interfaces
- Interfaces to C/C++, Java®, .NET, Python®, SQL, Hadoop®, and Microsoft® Excel®
- Royalty-free deployment options for sharing MATLAB programs with end users
MATLAB is the easiest and most productive software for engineers and scientists. Whether you’re analyzing data, developing algorithms, or creating models, MATLAB provides an environment that invites exploration and discovery. It combines a high-level language with a desktop environment tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows.
MATLAB Speaks Math
The matrix-based MATLAB language is the world’s most natural way to express computational mathematics. MATLAB supports both numeric and symbolic calculations. Linear algebra in MATLAB looks like linear algebra in a textbook; symbolic calculations look like the equations you write on paper. This makes it straightforward to capture the mathematics behind your ideas, which means your code is easier to write, easier to read and understand, and easier to maintain.
You can trust the results of your computations. MATLAB, which has strong roots in the numerical analysis research community, is known for its impeccable numerics. A MathWorks team of 350 engineers continuously verifies quality by running millions of tests on the MATLAB code base every day.
MATLAB does the hard work to ensure your code runs quickly. Math operations are distributed across multiple cores on your computer, library calls are heavily optimized, and all code is just-in-time compiled. You can run your algorithms in parallel by changing for-loops into parallel for-loops or by changing standard arrays into GPU or distributed arrays. Run parallel algorithms in infinitely scalable public or private clouds with no code changes.
The MATLAB language also provides features of traditional programming languages, including flow control, error handling, object-oriented programming, unit testing, and source control integration.
MATLAB Is Designed for Engineers and Scientists
MATLAB provides a desktop environment tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows. Integrated tools support simultaneous exploration of data and programs, letting you evaluate more ideas in less time.
- You can interactively preview, select, and preprocess the data you want to import.
- An extensive set of built-in math functions supports your engineering and scientific analysis.
- 2D and 3D plotting functions enable you to visualize and understand your data and communicate results.
- MATLAB apps allow you to perform common engineering tasks without having to program. Visualize how different algorithms work with your data, and iterate until you’ve got the results you want.
- The integrated editing and debugging tools let you quickly explore multiple options, refine your analysis, and iterate to an optimal solution.
- You can capture your work as sharable, interactive narratives.
Comprehensive, professional documentation written by engineers and scientists is always at your fingertips to keep you productive. Reliable, real-time technical support staff answers your questions quickly. And you can tap into the knowledge and experience of over 100,000 community members and MathWorks engineers on MATLAB Central, an open exchange for MATLAB and Simulink® users.
MATLAB and add-on toolboxes are integrated with each other and designed to work together. They offer professionally developed, rigorously tested, field-hardened, and fully documented functionality specifically for scientific and engineering applications
MATLAB Integrates Workflows
Major engineering and scientific challenges require broad coordination to take ideas to implementation. Every handoff along the way adds errors and delays.
MATLAB automates the entire path from research through production. You can:
- Build and package custom MATLAB apps and toolboxes to share with other MATLAB users.
- Create standalone executables to share with others who do not have MATLAB.
- Integrate with C/C++, Java, .NET, and Python. Call those languages directly from MATLAB, or package MATLAB algorithms and applications for deployment within web, enterprise, and production systems.
- Convert MATLAB algorithms to C, HDL, and PLC code to run on embedded devices.
- Deploy MATLAB code to run on production Hadoop systems.
MATLAB is also a key part of Model-Based Design, which is used for multidomain simulation, physical and discrete-event simulation, and verification and code generation.
What’s New in MATLAB R2021a (Version 9.10)
实时编辑器使用 MATLAB 实时编辑器以可执行记事本形式创建 MATLAB 脚本和函数,在其中综合代码、输出和格式化文本。
全新 基于 iOS 的实时编辑器:在 iPhone 或 iPad 上使用 MATLAB Mobile 创建、编辑和运行实时脚本 (2020b)全新 实时编辑器:使用实时脚本超链接以打开另一个实时脚本 (R2020b)导出为标准格式:将实时脚本和函数单独或批量保存为 PDF、Microsoft Word、HTML 和 LaTeX(R2019a、R2020b)实时任务:使用实时编辑器任务探索参数、查看结果并自动生成代码(R2019b、R2020a)在实时编辑器中运行测试:直接从实时编辑器工具条运行测试 (R2020a)隐藏代码:在共享和导出实时脚本时隐藏代码 (R2019a)
App 构建App 设计工具 帮助您创建专业的 App,同时并不要求软件开发专业背景。
全新 Icon 属性:为 UI 图窗窗口和工具栏的按钮和切换工具指定自定义图标 (R2020b)全新 比较工具:比较与合并使用 App 设计工具创建的 App (R2020b)全新 自定义 UI 组件:创建自己的类,以制作包含算法以及图形和 UI 对象的复合 UI 组件 (R2020b)全新 exportapp 和 getframe 函数:采集并保存 App 的图像 (R2020b)uicontextmenu 函数:在 App 设计工具创建的 App 和基于 uifigure 的 App 中添加和配置上下文菜单 (R2020a)uitoolbar 函数:在 App 设计工具创建的 App 和基于 uifigure 的 App 中添加自定义工具栏(R2020a、R2020b)uihtml 函数:为 App 添加 HTML、JavaScript 或 CSS 内容 (R2019b)
全新 readstruct 和 writestruct 函数:读取和写入 XML 文件中的结构化数据 (R2020b)全新 实时编辑器中的“优化”任务:以交互方式创建和求解优化问题 (R2020b)全新 ArrayDatastore 对象:从内存中的数据创建数据存储 (R2020b)实时编辑器任务:通过任务以交互方式预处理数据 (R2019b) 、操作表和时间表 (R2020a),并自动生成 MATLAB 代码分组工作流程:使用 grouptransform (R2018b)、groupcounts (R2019a) 和 groupfilter (R2019b) 执行基于组的操作数据类型 I/O:使用专用函数读取和写入矩阵、元胞数组和时间表 (R2019a)Parquet 文件支持:读取和写入单个 Parquet 文件或大型 Parquet 文件集合 (R2019a)
全新 bubblechart、bubblechart3 和 polarbubblechart 函数:使用二维坐标、三维坐标和极坐标创建气泡图 (R2020b)全新 swarmchart 函数:可视化离散数据的分布 (R2020b)全新 标题、副标题和轴标签:向绘图添加副标题,并将标题和轴标签与绘图框对齐 (R2020b)boxchart 函数:创建箱线图以可视化分组的数值数据 (R2020a)exportgraphics 和 copygraphics 函数:保存和复制图形,增强了对发布工作流的支持 (R2020a)tiledlayout 函数:定位、嵌套和更改布局的网格大小 (R2020a)Chart Container 类:创建平铺显示笛卡尔坐标图、极坐标图或地理图的图 (R2020a)
使用 MATLAB 在地图上绘制地理数据
数据存储写入:将数据存储中的大型数据集写出到磁盘,用于数据工程和基于文件的工作流 (R2020a)自定义 Tall 数组:编写自定义算法,基于块或滑动窗口对 tall 数组进行运算(R2018b、R2019a)支持 Tall 数组的函数:在更多函数中支持 tall 数组,包括 innerjoin、outerjoin、xcorr、svd 和 wordcloud(R2018b、R2019a、R2019b)自定义数据存储:使用自定义数据存储框架读取基于 Hadoop 的数据库 (R2019a)FileDatastore 对象:通过将大型自定义格式文件分为较小的部分导入来读取该文件 (R2019a)数据存储:组合和转换数据存储 (R2019a)
全新 pattern 对象:创建用于在字符串中搜索文本的模式 (R2020b)文件编码:默认采用 UTF-8 编码,增强了 MATLAB 文件对非 ASCII 字符集的支持及其跨平台兼容性 (R2020a)函数输入参数验证:声明函数输入参数,以简化输入错误检查(R2019b、R2020b)十六进制和二进制数:使用十六进制和二进制字面值指定数字 (R2019b)
性能短短五年间,MATLAB 的代码运行速度提升了一倍有余。无需对代码进行任何更改,即可实现提速。
全新 spdiags 函数:增强了构造稀疏带状矩阵的性能 (R2020b)全新 uitree 函数:增强了在树中创建大量节点时的性能 (R2020b)全新 uilistbox 函数:增强了在列表框中设置多个项目时的性能 (R2020b)探查器:使用火焰图直观地研究和改进代码的执行性能 (R2020a)实时编辑器:增强了循环和动画绘图的性能 (R2020a)大型数组中的赋值:通过下标对大型 table、datetime、duration 或 calendarDuration 数组进行索引并对元素赋值时,性能得到改善 (R2019b)大型矩阵排序:使用 sortrows 更快地对大型矩阵的行排序 (R2019a)
全新 Python:从 MATLAB 会话启动和停止 Python 解释器 (R2020b)全新 代码兼容性报告:代码兼容性报告对不受支持的功能发出警告 (R2020b)全新 单元测试框架:在集群和云上并行运行测试 (R2020b)进程外执行 Python:在进程外执行 Python 函数,以避免库冲突 (R2019b)工程:组织工作,实现任务和流程自动化,与团队开展协作 (R2019a)C++ 接口:从 MATLAB 调用 C++ 库函数 (R2019a)适用于 MATLAB 的 Jenkins 插件:运行 MATLAB 测试,生成 JUnit、TAP 等格式的测试报告和 Cobertura 代码覆盖率报告新参考架构:在 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 和 Microsoft Azure 上部署和运行 MATLAB (R2018b)
控制硬件控制 Arduino 和 Raspberry Pi 等常见微控制器,通过网络摄像头采集图像,还可以获取无人机传感器数据和图像数据。
全新 Arduino:Arduino Engineering Kit Revision 2 已纳入 Arduino 支持包 (R2020b)全新 Raspberry Pi MATLAB Online Codegen (R2020b)全新 采集网络摄像头图像 实时编辑器任务:交互式采集网络摄像头图像 (R2020b)全新 IP 相机:支持在 IP 相机中解码 H.264 视频流 (R2020b)全新 传感器支持:使用 BNO055 Sensor 结合 Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox 和 Navigation Toolbox 估计方向 (R2020b)无人机支持:使用 MATLAB 控制 Ryze Tello 无人机并获取传感器和图像数据 (R2020a)Arduino:使用 MCP2515 CAN 总线屏蔽访问 CAN 总线数据 (R2020a)低功耗蓝牙:读写 BLE 设备 (R2019b)
实时编辑器控件:通过将变量链接到下拉菜单项和滑块值,在实时脚本中创建动态控件Live Editor字体:使用设置以编程方式更改字体的名称,样式,大小和颜色
实时编辑器显示:指定默认显示输出的位置实时编辑器函数:使用MATLAB Online中的“运行”按钮以交互方式运行实时函数
文档:查看法文,意大利文和德文的MATLAB文档MATLAB Drive:以编程方式获取MATLAB Drive根文件夹的位置
ts2timetable功能:将时间序列对象转换为时间表表和时间表功能:使用“ DimensionNames”名称-值参数指定维度名称
XML文件:使用readtable,readtimetable和其他功能读取,写入和导入XML文件用于高级XML处理的MATLAB API:创建,读取,写入,转换和查询XML
XML文件:注册XML名称空间前缀,以使用readtable,readstruct和其他函数评估XPath表达式低级文件I / O功能和远程数据:对远程存储的文件执行读写操作
保存和加载功能以及远程数据:将数据保存,加载和追加到远程存储的v7.3 MAT文件读取在线数据:使用readtable,audioread和其他读取功能通过HTTP和HTTPS读取文件
数据压缩功能:改进的zip / unzip和tar / untar功能imfinfo函数:获取有关所有Adobe Digital Negative(DNG)文件标签的信息
应用程式建立uihyperlink功能:在应用程序和App Designer画布上添加和配置可点击链接
uitree功能:在应用程序和App Designer画布上添加和配置复选框树解释器属性:使用HTML和LaTeX标记在标签中设置文本样式并显示方程式
UI组件辅助功能:使用键盘选择ListBox项,Table单元格,ColorPicker颜色和DatePicker菜单App Designer:在App Designer中使用自定义UI组件
App De
0. Mount iso-file Matlab910R2021a_Win64.iso to virtual disk.
For Windows 8 and lower you probably need soft like Daemon Tools Lite (or similar)
1. Run setup.exe from that virtual disk and if you see login/password/signin form (you gave access to internet for installer)
then in apper left corner in "Advanced Options" select setup mode "I have a File Installation Key"
If internet access is absent then required setup mode will be autoselected and you do not need to set setup mode
2. When you will be asked to "Enter File Installation Key" enter
3. When you will be asked to "Select License File" select license.lic
4. Then select folder where you want Matlab to be installed. When you will be asked to "Select products" deselect component
"Matlab Parallel Server" and select components you need.
If you will leave all components selected matlab will need 30Gb of disk space and longer startup time.
If you left only "MATLAB" - 3Gb of disk space
You better setup matlab on SSD disk for better startup time, so most likely you do not want to waste SSD-disk size for nothing.
5. Then in "Select Options" select "Add shortcut to desktop"
6. Components setup progress may be shown incorrectly (for example allways show 0%) ... just wait.
Or if installation process takes too long start to monitor growth size of folder where you are installing matlab
If it size is not growing several minutes then restart setup
7. After installation is done copy file "libmwlmgrimpl.dll" to already existing folder
with overwriting of existing file (<matlabfolder> - is where you have installed Matlab)
8. Copy "license.lic" file to <matlabfolder>\licenses folder
Alternatively you can just start Matlab. In that case you will got window asking you to select license
First select "Activate manually without the Internet" and
then in field "Enter the full path to your license file, including the file name" select "license.lic" file
9. If desktop shortcut was not created (or was created unnecessary shortcut "Polyspace R2021a")
then create new shortcut (or change "Polyspace R2021a") so that it run the
10. Work with matlab :)
If setup hang in step 1-6 then force to close setup and start again from step 1
license.lic additionally to possibilities of license_standalone.lic gives Matlab permission to work from remote desktop (RDP)
This allow not to use license_server.lic in certain cases
File Installation Key you give to installer actually depend on Matlab edition and type of license you want
For standalone license use license.lic or license_standalone.lic and keys:
For workstation use case (typical configuration) : 09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297
For cluster node "Matlab Production Server" : 40236-45817-26714-51426-39281
For floating license use license_server.lic and keys:
For workstation use case (typical configuration) : 31095-30030-55416-47440-21946-54205
For cluster node "Matlab Production Server" : 57726-51709-20682-42954-31195