PTC Mathcad Prime | 794.8 mb
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Languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어,
Русский, Simplified 中文, Español, Traditional 中文
The PTC Mathcad development team is pleased to announce the availability of Mathcad Prime This release introduces key enhancements in the areas of symbolics, documentation, and usability.
Mathcad Prime is the industry standard for engineering mathematics software, enabling you to solve your most complex problems, and share your engineering calculations. Mathcad Prime 7 makes this easier with new capabilities, greater usability and over a dozen enhancements to the new symbolic engine.
What's New in Mathcad Prime 7
Combo-box Input Control
Calculations are driven by defining variables, and for some engineering problems, several different values may be needed for different variables to provide a complete picture of the engineering being documented.
With new combo-box input controls, you can predefine variables and their values associated with different calculation options. Simply change sets of variables related to specific use cases by selecting a new option in the combo-box drop down menu.
For example, if your worksheet calculations change depending on the material used, say with different metals having different characteristics, you can set up a combo-box to define all the variables and variable values associated with different types of metal. You can then select the metal type in the combo-box and the worksheet is recalculated using the characteristics of the selected metal.
You can define multiple variables for each combo-box selection; you can use multiple combo-boxes in your worksheet; and you can include them almost anywhere in an equation.
Mathcad Prime 6 introduced a new symbolic engine to the software, offering PTC’s software engineers more flexibility as they work with the software. For you, that means you’ll see modifications and enhancements that simply weren’t possible in the past.
In Mathcad Prime 7, we’re already building on what we started last year. Seasoned users should start to notice the following:
- Better error notification. That is, issues with input expressions are reported more precisely.
- Significantly improved performance, including for the keyword simplify, the keyword solve, and definite/indefinite integrals.
- Improved feedback (targeted analysis of calculation) for many cases where evaluation once seemed to take too long.
- Enhancement of both the keyword simplify and the keyword simplify with the modifier max. Now you can expect faster and more simplified results.
- Enhancement of both the keyword solve and the keyword solve using the modifier fully. Now, more cases can be solved with the keyword, including:
. system of equalities and inequalities.
. cubic equations.
. equations with symbolic functions.
- Enhancement of the keyword float, improved accuracy for some calculations (e.g., Bessel functions), and improved rounding.
- Changes with assumption of variables. The assumption real is still the default with the new engine, but it now also supports the assumption complex as a modifier.
- Improved support of definite/indefinite integrals.
- Improved support for the keyword series, so that it now supports binominal series.
- Improved work with polynomials, powers, and roots. Plus, improved performance of large powers.
Mathcad Prime 7 includes a standalone legacy worksheet converter that you can install alongside the application. Now you no longer need a separate installation of the legacy Mathcad application, saving you time and effort.
(Note. This has the benefit of also addressing issues that users may have had in the past, such as when Mathcad 15 and Prime could not be installed on the same PC.)
More Enhancements
Mathcad Prime gets easier to use with each release, with more options for controlling your everyday tasks. Many of the following usability enhancements were made in response to customer requests:
Save your worksheet in PDF format for easier file sharing.

Mathcad Prime is the industry’s leading engineering math software. You use it to perform highly accurate calculations easily, and then preserve, share, and reuse those calculation so that you get the most from your important intellectual property.
Mathcad Prime 7 improves on the popular software by adding symbolic engine enhancements, combo-box input control, usability improvements, and more.
What's New in Mathcad Prime 7
PTC enables global manufacturers to realize double-digit impact with software solutions that enable them to accelerate product and service innovation, improve operational efficiency, and increase workforce productivity. In combination with an extensive partner network, PTC provides customers flexibility in how its technology can be deployed to drive digital transformation – on premises, in the cloud, or via its pure SaaS platform. At PTC, we don’t just imagine a better world, we enable it.
Product: PTC Mathcad Prime
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.mathcad.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 794.8 mb