IRONCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2021 SP1 | 2.4 Gb
IronCAD, the 3D CAD productivity platform of choice among metal fabricators and custom machinery manufacturers, officially announces the release of IRONCAD 2021, which contains many exciting improvements and capabilities that help customers drive innovation and move to production faster.
Every year, IronCAD global customers submit feedback with enhancement improvements that matter the most for increasing the design productivity or improving the 3D to the production drawing process. In addition to user feedback, after having endured an unprecedented year, it was essential that we continue to work hard to keep IronCAD users working and ensure that productivity is the way of life for their business with the release of IRONCAD 2021. In this year’s release, the main focus was on improving productivity to help create designs and production drawings faster. With this in mind, our goal for IronCAD 2021 was to improve the performance from 3D to the 2D detailing stage, improve the detailing user experience, continuous quality improvement, as well as improvements that make the design process more productive.
Examples amongst the new improvements in IRONCAD 2021 are:
Improved IntelliShape Handles for Increasing Performance – New behaviors to quickly symmetrically size shapes with a right-click drag, quick access to handle values attached to the cursor, and more powerful snap options to get precise locations from a point or center point that allow users to design faster with IronCAD shapes.
User Interface Improvements to Enhance the User Experience – Easier access to multiple catalogs, direct feedback on face and edge length/area information, direct selection access to assemblies, parts, features, and faces in the current selection viewing direction, TriBall® shortcuts to reduce steps in repeating copy/link commands, and many more to improve the user workflow in design.
Sheet Metal Design Improvements and Accessibility – Improved processes in selecting stocks, automatic bend alignment on angled sheet metal stock for creation and updates, and accessing common commands for sheet metal bends to speed up the design and editing of sheet metal.
Overall 2D Technical Drawing User Improvements – 2D Annotation catalog for common annotations, 2D Template catalog to quickly change templates for drawings, new tools for revision clouds and ISO Tolerance Codes for dimensions, improved bulk view creation options to automatically generate drawing layouts that speed up the 2D detailing, and many other improvements to enhance the detailing process for production designs.
Communication Improvements for Sharing – The free Share 3D viewer has an improved user interface and support for measure and textures while supporting large geometry data sets that allow users to communicate 3D designs faster and easily with customers on any tablet or laptop device on any platform with an HTML5 supported browser.
2021 Service Pack #1 - Jan 19, 2021
As a continued effort to deliver the latest enhancements and improvements of our products, we have officially released our Service Pack #1 to IronCAD DCS 2021 providing valuable improvements to the quality and usability of the application.
Quality Issues Addressed for Service Pack #1
114399 69424 Save Drawing as Template menu item has the wrong tooltip
114398 69423 Delete Broken out Section’ in View Properties browser not localizable
114397 69355 Regression from 2020 – Can’t rename IntelliShapes in Inovate
69329 Stop or extremely slow generation of 2D drawings from the scene in IC2021
69312 ICAPI:icapiironcadLib.chm interface documentation is not sorted alphabetically
69295 ICAPI:IZPart->Export to STEP does not follow the StepExportSetup.ExportUnit setting
114373 69272 ICD Broken View Bug when Custom Detail defined on it
114371 69243 Attachment Point Connector bug
114370 69242 Steel shapes don’t work in Polish Windows with comma as a decimal.
114368 69226 ICAPI:exportControl->ExportSheet() as a JPEG is zooming out the drawing on-screen and leaving it tiny!
114367 69224 Can’t drag and snap the TriBall to all the quadrant points.
114365 69214 Sketched bend bug 2021 (Results are correct)
114364 69213 New dimension box glitches / lag
114362 69199 Customers can not activate the 2021 license normally
114358 69170 Slow Orbit response and size field trailing display
69168 Sketch, Scale with mouse doesn’t work – Regression
69167 Sketch, Rotate with the mouse doesn’t work – Regression
69166 BUG ICS Links to Point/ Center point using the cursor
69154 Minor Splash Screen bug Caxa 2021
69148 Z Axis orientation in Web Viewer (and Configurator) Needs to Change to Up
69140 Web Viewer 2021 Ability to Hide Parts
114346 69125 Roaming Template folder is not used until Options has been run once
114345 69124 File Open, ICS file format called “Clearance Fit” in INOVATE 2021
69015 Edit view, then edit crop view. Pop up IAE.
68934 IC 2021 CVT2_ICD: Mouse Cursor orientation reversed in Chain Dimension
68891 ICS Tools catalog with decimal as a decimal character – comma
114267 68751 Why is the bounding box so massive?
68729 Regression – #8863 IC2021 Beta 2:[Copy with Base Point] in CAXA does not work correctly in 2D Sketch

IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite is an intuitive 3D design productivity solution that empowers users, increases efficiency, and extends 3D collaboration throughout the enterprise. IronCAD engineering design software products are designed to be used standalone, to complement an existing design environment, and with one another to facilitate cross-department collaboration.
IronCAD lets you design the way you think, intuitively and powerfully. Drag & drop shapes, parts and assemblies from infinitely customizable catalogs, push & pull handles to make precise changes in seconds, create assemblies in one file, and easily move parts and assemblies. It’s a fundamentally better way to design in 3D.
Latest release of IRONCAD 2021, which focuses on productivity by making your innovative 3D designs go to production faster. This new release contains many exciting improvements and capabilities that help you drive innovation. Our goal for IRONCAD 2021 was to focus on improving the performance going from 3D to the 2D detailing stage, improving the detailing user experience, continuous quality improvement, and improvements that make the design process more productive.
Based in Atlanta, Ga., IronCAD is a leading provider of 3D design productivity solutions that deliver the highest levels of customer satisfaction and productivity. Individual components of this solution can be used standalone, complementary within an existing design environment, or can be used together to collaborate effectively throughout the enterprise to extend productivity. IronCAD’s flagship product IRONCAD has won many industry awards for its innovative technology and leads the industry in its ease of use and design productivity. Thousands of customers worldwide use IronCAD to support their success.
Product: IRONCAD Design Collaboration
Version: Suite 2021 SP1 (version 23.00 Build 17529)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.ironcad.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 2.4 Gb
* System Requirements:
System Requirements
- 64-Bit Window Operating System
- A Pentium 4 CPU or higher (current AMD processors supported)
- 4GB Recommended (8 GB or more for large assembly work)
- Direct X and/or OpenGL compatible accelerated video graphics card (required for large assembly work)
- 2 GB of free disk space to install. More recommended for design data.
- Windows 7 – Recommended having all the latest Windows updates.
Example certified machine configuration:
- HP Z240 Workstation
- CPU: E3-1240 V5 @3.50 GHZ
- OS: Windows 10 64-bit
- RAM: 16 GB
- Graphics Card: Nvidia Quadro K620 with 2 GB Memory
- Hard Disk: NVMe Samsung M2VPV128 SSD 128 GB