PreScan 还用于设计和评估车辆对车辆 (V2V) 和车辆对基础设施 (V2I) 通信应用程序以及自动驾驶应用程序。PreScan 可用于从基于模型的控制器设计 (MIL) 到实时测试,包括循环软件 (SIL) 和环内硬件 (HIL) 系统。西门子业务TASS国际支持全球汽车行业创造更安全、更智能的汽车,并以其独特的开发方法而闻名,提供一套先进的仿真软件工具,定制工程解决方案和最先进的测试和认证设施和服务,旨在改善车辆的集成安全系统,促进高度自动化和互联驾驶的发展。
PreScan is a simulation platform consisting of a GUI-based preprocessor to define scenarios and a run-time environment to execute them. The engineer's prime interface for making and testing algorithms includes MATLAB and Simulink. PreScan can be used from model-based controller design (MIL) to real-time tests with software-in-the-loop (SIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems. PreScan can operate in open-loop & closed-loop, and offline & online mode. It is an open software platform which has flexible interfaces to link to 3rd party vehicle dynamics model (e.g. CarSIM, dSPACE ASM, etc) and 3rd party HIL simulators/hardware (e.g. ETAS, dSPACE, Vector).
PreScan comprises several modules that together provide everything an ADAS system developer needs. An intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to build your scenario and model your sensors, while the Matlab/Simulink interface enables you to add a control system. This interface can also be used to import existing Matlab/Simulink models such as vehicle dynamics models. When running your experiment, the visualisation viewer gives a realistic 3D representation of the scenario. Optionally, tools such as dSPACE ControlDesk and NI LabVIEW can be used for activities such as ‘data acquisition’ and ‘test automation’.
The program works using four easy steps:
Build scenario
A dedicated pre-processor (GUI) allows users to build and modify traffic scenarios within minutes using a database of road sections, infrastructure components (trees, buildings, traffic signs), actors (cars, trucks, bikes and pedestrians), weather conditions (such as rain, snow and fog) and light sources (such as the sun, headlights and lampposts). Representations of real roads can be quickly made by reading in information from OpenStreetMap, Google Earth, Google 3D Warehouse and/or a GPS navigation device.
Model sensors
Vehicle models can be equipped with different sensor types, including radar, laser, camera, ultrasone, infrared, GPS and antennas for vehicle-to-X (V2X) communication. Sensor design and benchmarking is facilitated by easy exchange and modification of sensor type and sensor characteristics.
Add control system
A Matlab/Simulink interface enables users to design and verify algorithms for data processing, sensor fusion, decision making and control as well as the re-use of existing Simulink models such as vehicle dynamics models from CarSim, Dyna4 or ASM.
Run experiment
A 3D visualisation viewer allows users to analyse the results of the experiment. It provides multiple viewpoints, intuitive navigation controls, and picture and movie generation capabilities. Also, interfaces with ControlDesk and LabView can be used to automatically run an experiment batch of scenarios as well as to run hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations.
PreScan is a simulation platform consisting of a GUI-based preprocessor to define scenarios and a run-time environment to execute them. The engineer's prime interface for making and testing algorithms includes MATLAB and Simulink. PreScan can be used from model-based controller design (MIL) to real-time tests with software-in-the-loop (SIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems. PreScan can operate in open-loop & closed-loop, and offline & online mode. It is an open software platform which has flexible interfaces to link to 3rd party vehicle dynamics model (e.g. CarSIM, dSPACE ASM, etc) and 3rd party HIL simulators/hardware (e.g. ETAS, dSPACE, Vector).

The program works using four easy steps:
Build scenario
A dedicated pre-processor (GUI) allows users to build and modify traffic scenarios within minutes using a database of road sections, infrastructure components (trees, buildings, traffic signs), actors (cars, trucks, bikes and pedestrians), weather conditions (such as rain, snow and fog) and light sources (such as the sun, headlights and lampposts). Representations of real roads can be quickly made by reading in information from OpenStreetMap, Google Earth, Google 3D Warehouse and/or a GPS navigation device.
Model sensors
Vehicle models can be equipped with different sensor types, including radar, laser, camera, ultrasone, infrared, GPS and antennas for vehicle-to-X (V2X) communication. Sensor design and benchmarking is facilitated by easy exchange and modification of sensor type and sensor characteristics.
Add control system
A Matlab/Simulink interface enables users to design and verify algorithms for data processing, sensor fusion, decision making and control as well as the re-use of existing Simulink models such as vehicle dynamics models from CarSim, Dyna4 or ASM.
Run experiment
A 3D visualisation viewer allows users to analyse the results of the experiment. It provides multiple viewpoints, intuitive navigation controls, and picture and movie generation capabilities. Also, interfaces with ControlDesk and LabView can be used to automatically run an experiment batch of scenarios as well as to run hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations.