NxClinical is the name of the most comprehensive and up-to-date solution for cytogenetics and molecular genetics in a system for analyzing and interpreting all genetic variations of microarray and NGS data. This program is developed by biodiscovery . The first step is to detect CNVs, you can not detect what you do not see. NxClinical is a gold standard for CNV recall of NGS and microarray data generated on each platform. The program can integrate and visualize raw data from CNV, SeqVar, and AOH simultaneously. It can also make the right call at the right time. Extensive artificial intelligence and automation tools for fast and accurate interpretation are also available.Also, active links to the latest databases keep your basic knowledge up to date.
NxClinical Features:
required system
NxClinical is technology and platform agnostic. It handles both microarray and NGS data. Major manufacturers such as Illumina, Thermo Fisher (Affymetrix), Agilent, etc. are supported as well as custom platforms. You can load and analyze data from any manufacturer / platform in the same database.
联系 1400155802@qq.com
NxClinical Features:
- Increase the efficiency of reviewing your case using a variety of detail pages
- Build your own Knowledgebase to store genetically diverse area information
- Build and use genome-wide CNV and AOH profiles for different types of cancer to help diagnose and interpret tumors
- No need to discard old data – with automated disease sample history and integrated genetic database
- NxClinical is compatible with a variety of platforms.
- Multi-user system with global auditing and access
- Security – Support for data quality and perfection
- Speed selection – TAT faster with automation, artificial intelligence and variable prioritization tools
- Increased clinical utility and diagnostic efficiency
required system
NxClinical is technology and platform agnostic. It handles both microarray and NGS data. Major manufacturers such as Illumina, Thermo Fisher (Affymetrix), Agilent, etc. are supported as well as custom platforms. You can load and analyze data from any manufacturer / platform in the same database.

联系 1400155802@qq.com