Plaxis 2D CONNECT Edition V21 Update 1 | 2.1 Gb
Languages: english. 日本語, 中文
Languages: english. 日本語, 中文
The PLAXIS development team is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V21 Update 1 (build is a powerful and user friendly finite element package intended for two-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics.
PLAXIS 2D CE V21.00.01 Release notes
New features
PLAXIS product licenses
Replaced legacy PLAXIS product options and modules by a tier-based licensing system consisting of three tiers: PLAXIS 2D (a new license type), PLAXIS 2D Advanced (similar to legacy PLAXIS 2D), and PLAXIS 2D Ultimate (similar to the full legacy PLAXIS 2D Suite).
New constitutive model: NorSand
Added the NorSand model as a User Defined Soil Model. The model is typically used to simulate static liquefaction of loose silts, the mechanism understood to be the cause of several recent tailings dam failures.
New constitutive model: PM4Silt
Added the PM4Silt model as User Defined Soil Model. The model is intended for earthquake engineering applications and liquefaction analysis on low-plasticity silts and clays.
New constitutive model: Fluid
Added a Fluid model as User Defined Soil Model. The model can be used to model water bodies as continuum elements with an appropriate constitutive model.
Tunnel import workflow improvements
Improved workflow for importing tunnel cross-sections into the Tunnel Designer. New functionality includes selecting, snapping and intersecting tunnel segments and subsections during import. This makes importing Tunnel Cross section CAD files much easier to handle and ensures proper geometric connectivity.
Calculation Kernel convergence log
Added a tool for accessing calculation convergence log files during and after calculations to gain more insight into the convergence process. This will ease pinpointing possible causes of non-convergence.
Updated Python environments
Updated Python environments to remove security vulnerabilities on some of the included packages.
Python distribution folders are now updated and default location changed to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Geotechnical\PLAXIS Python Distribution V1 Update 1\
Technology Preview: PLAXIS LE Model importer
Some bugfixes and stability improvements have been implemented.
Renamed SOILVISION model importer to PLAXIS LE model importer
Added functionality to import PLAXIS LE, SVSLOPE, and SVSOLID material definitions and their supported parameters to an equivalent PLAXIS constitutive soil model.
Fixed issues
The following Known issue has been resolved:
Solved: [540768] PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V21.00.00 calculation does not start due to a license issue
Solved: [447463] PLAXIS 2D meshing stops with error Ordinal 747 not located
Many other issues have been fixed, including:
[501119] making the echo command for volumes more consistent after several file loading
[457052] Grid settings for drawing tools did not show unit aware length units. This is now fixed.
[457037] Intersection of overlapping polygons and lines, leading to small polygons, is now improved.
[455620] Embedded beam Layer dependent skin-friction now uses correct strength parameters when using UBC Sand to compute shaft resistance.
[442603] In rare cases the set command could lead to a crash in Staged Construction mode
[441761] Fixed an issue when using the commands runner for calculating projects with long command lists
[433620] Fixed an issue with large ratios of permeability for steady state groundwater flow calculations.
[421272] Void ratio value update based on volume strain is now improved
[393075] Fixed an issue in amflication spectra determination to use the proper Fourier data to get correct amflication spectra curves
[379568] Expanded documentation on movedisconnected command
PLAXIS 2D CE V21.01.00 Release notes - Date: April 2021
New features
Subspace accelerator in phase settings
Added subspace accelerator as an additional numerical control parameter in the phase settings. This new numerical setting helps to improve the behavior of slow converging calculations.
Fixed issues
A large number of issues have been addressed, including:
[555184] The curves manager now loads older curves again
[547941] Fixed an issue with tunnel girders added to segments with negative radii
[547421] UDSM EVE-MC: fixed issue for using the proper dilation angle value for the Mohr-Coulomb behaviour
[540727] Ru values for dynamic consolidation when using UBCSand are shown again
[514609] Fixed an issue for showing preconsolidation stress Pc values in a Safety Analysis for Soft Soil and Soft Soil Creep
[513593] Fixed an issue with PLAXIS Python scripting when groups of phases were used in PLAXIS Output
[512083] Improvements on the Object Reference documentation for Plate materials
[511654] Exposing cutgeometry in Staged Construction mode
[506019] Numerical performance increase when using max load fraction
[474107] Fixed an issue with word-wrap in the commands runner.
[462420] Concrete model: φmax should have a value greater than zero. This is now checked and an error is given when the value is zero
[435033] Display improvements for Rayleigh damping parameter selection for higher frequencies
[421505] Cyclic Accumulation tool: visualtion improvements in DSS graph
[414600] Fixed an issue in retrieving state parameter values (User Defined Soil models) in curves when using post-calculation selected stress points
[379834] Fixed an issue in the creation of the geometry in the Tunnel Designer
[379689] Fixed isssue DoBoot(): Failed to initialize DLL when starting PLAXIS
[379295] Waterload tables are now also updated when switching your phase in PLAXIS Output
[378894] Snapping settings are now remembered

PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user friendly finite element package intended for two-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. Applications range from excavations, embankment and foundations to tunnelling, mining and reservoir geomechanics.
PLAXIS is equipped with a broad range of advanced features to model a diverse range of geotechnical problems, all from within a single integrated software package.
PLAXIS uses predefined structural elements and loading types in a CAD-like environment. This empowers the user with fast and efficient model creation, allowing more time to interpret the results.
In some cases using the borehole tool is not the most efficient way to create the soil layering. This movie introduces the Soil polygon tool to show how you can model a rocky hillside.
Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.
Product: PLAXIS 2D
Version: CONNECT Edition V21 Update 1 (build *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.plaxis.com
Language: english. 日本語, 中文
System Requirements: PC **
Size: 2.1 Gb