Verification for stability of slipcircle, predetermine earth and water pressure, earth pressure calculation due to Culmann/Gudehus, line and area loads with load shapes, elastic and prestressed anchors, seepage flow with boundary element method, hydraulic heave failure.
WALLS-LT 2021.109
Entry level solution of our approved program WALLS-Retain. Calculation of retaining walls like sheet pile, timber sheet, in situ concrete and drill pile walls, verification of anchors and graphic representation of the results. Earth pressure calculation due to Culmann, line and area loads with load shapes, elastic and prestressed anchors, seepage flow with boundary element method, hydraulic heave failure

WALLS-Dimensioning 2021.109
Dimensioning of all type of walls, dimensioning of anchors and beltings.Supplement to the WALLS-programs, but also usable for other excavation retaining programs.
WALLS-FEM 2019.177
Calculation of retaining walls with finite elements, settlements and deformations. Contains the calculation kernel SOFiSTiK-TALPA. It is possible to import the whole system from WALLS-programs.
FIDES-SlipCircle 2020.316
Computation of the slip circles and verification of the stability of slopes with the lamellar method due to Krey-Bishop according to the demands of DIN 4084 paragraph 11.2.
FIDES-EarthPressure 2020.316
Determination of earth pressure due to Culmann/Gudehus.
FIDES-Settlement 2020.316
Calculation of settlements for single foundations due to DIN 4019.
FIDES-Settlement2.5D 2020.316
Calculation of settlements for groups of foundations with mutual interference due to DIN 4019.
FIDES-CantileverWall 2020.316
Calculation of cantilever walls. Calculation of earth pressure due to Culmann Gudehus, bearing capacity check, verification of buckling, soil base pressure,sliding, settlement, embankment failure and soil base cant, calculation due to global or partial safety factors.
FIDES-Gabion 2020.316
Calculation of retaining walls, with or without geosynthetics, calculation of earth pressure due to Culmann/ Gudehus, bearing capacity check, slip circle, calculation of stability safety with multi body failure due to Gudehus.
FIDES-GeoStability (KEA) 2020.329
Soil nailing, geosynthetics, general proof of internal and external stability in geotechnical constructions with the Kinematic Element Analysis. Allows for diverse construction elements. Contains the complete functional range of FIDES-SlipCircle and FIDES-EarthPressure.
FIDES-Flow 2020.105
Calculation of ground water flow in geotechnical constructions for stationary flow due to DARCY. Determination of the free ground water table, flow velocity, flow portions as well as flow pressure potential. Suitable as an enhancement for FIDESGeoStability, FIDES-SlipCircle and FIDES-EarthPressure.
FIDES-BearingCapacity 2020.316
Verification of bearing capacity of common types of foundations due to DIN 4017.
FIDES-GroundSlab 2D 2019.035
Calculation of planar foundation plates due to the strength modulus method (elastic half space). Calculation kernel: SOFiSTiK SEPP/HASE-2D.
FIDES-GroundSlab 2.5D 2019.035
Like 2D including consideration of horizontal strength and strength of piles in the elastic half space. Nonlinear effects: lifting off foundation slabs, plastification of soil on the slab edge, caving in of piles. Calculation kernel: SOFiSTiK ASE/HASE-3D.
FIDES-PILEpro-Base 2019.035
Calculation and dimensioning of spacial pilings with rigid head plates. Arbitrary soil layers and elastic supports, calculation of transvers bedding, dimensioning of piles. Calculation kernel: SOFiSTiK-PFAHL.
FIDES-PILEpro-FEM 2019.035
Calculation and dimensioning of spacial pilings and pile-slab foundations with elastic head plates (FEA). Elastic supported slab with any polygonal borderline,recesses and openings, stiffening walls.Calculation kernel: SOFiSTiK-ASE/ASE2.
FIDES-PILEpro-FEMB 2019.035
FIDES-PILEpro-FEM enhanced with dimensioning of the elastic head plate.
STeelCON 2020.324
Typified steel connections. Dimensioning of connections for steel building construction due to DIN 18800 or Eurocode 3. Contains a collection of pre calculated typified connections due to DIN18800/DASt.
STeelCON-Tools 2020.324
Tools for calculating the strength of individual components of connections between steel elements. The program contains an extensive library with steel profiles and materials and a very simple interface so that can be used immediately. This version
of the program can handle in plane weldings under in plane and out of plane moments and forces.
STeelCON IFC-Export 2020.324
Export of an IFC-file in which the connection geometry is stored using IFC2x3 protocol, so it can be imported to any program that imports IFC data as a 3D model.
HomePage: http://www.fides-dvp.de
FileSize: 1.0 Gb
Language: English
Operating Systems: Windows 7/8.x/