Autodesk Alias AutoStudio 2022 (x64) | 3.4 Gb
Autodesk® Alias® software products ― Alias® AutoStudio, Alias® Surface, Alias® Concept, Alias® SpeedForm and Alias® Design ―offer a premium range of tools for industrial designers, modelers and technical surfacing experts in automotive and other industries.
欧特克®别名®软件产品 - 别名®汽车工作室,别名®表面,别名®概念,别名®Speform和别名®设计 - 为汽车和其他行业的工业设计师、建模师和技术表面专家提供了一系列高级工具。
通过从概念到生产质量表面的连续工作流程,Alias 软件提供业界领先的表面设计功能(由一流的素描、建模和可视化工具支持)帮助您以比竞争对手更快的速度创建创新和引人注目的设计,同时在整个过程中保持设计
Through a continuous workflow from concept to production quality surfaces, the Alias software provides industry-leading surfacing capabilities ― supported by best-in-class sketching, modeling and visualization tools ― helping you to create innovative and compelling designs faster than your competition, while maintaining design intent throughout the process.
Part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, Alias software helps designers rapidly develop and iterate sketch concepts, 3D conceptual models and detailed designs, and to deliver Class-A production ready surfaces to engineering, ensuring that designs address both aesthetic and functional requirements.
Changes to Alias Update installation
Starting with the Alias 2021.1 Update, Update releases will be available on the Autodesk Accounts page as a full install of the product. Instead of the Windows Installer patch (MSP) files you may be accustomed to, Alias Updates will use EXE setup installation files. With this change, the installation process automatically uninstalls the previous version of Alias before installing the Update. This means that uninstalling the Update no longer reverts to the previous version of Alias.
System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64-bit)
CPU:2 GHz 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
Alias General: Supported NVIDIA® or AMD graphics card with a minimum of 256 MB dedicated texture memory and DirectX 11 compatible.
Alias VR: Any NVIDIA or AMD graphics card that is VR Ready certified.
Disk Space:Autodesk Alias AutoStudio:10 GB
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