Geomagic Control X 2020.1.1 | 2.2 Gb
The 3D SYSTEMS development team is pleased to announce the availability of Geomagic Control X 2020.1.1. In the bases version, new features have been added to provide greater workflow productivity.
What's new in Geomagic Control X 2020.1.1 - Date: March 2021
This file (Geomagic_ControlX_Release_Notes_v2020.1.1.pdf) lists all the new and updated features and also bug fixes that are available in 2020.1.1 release.
Geomagic Control X is the ultimate 3D inspection software for manufacturing that works with any 3D scanner or portable CMM. It’s a comprehensive solution that helps you make sense of complex measurement problems in an easy to understand format with color maps and reports.
The 3D metrology software compares 3D scanner data (which contains surface measurement data) of a manufactured part (a prototype, first-article, or finished goods) to a golden standard (a CAD model), to see if the part is manufactured according to specifications. If the part falls out of specified tolerance, Control X gives a complete picture as to exactly where the parts pass or fail. You have access to all the information to find the source of the issue and fix it immediately.
Control X provides scan to CAD measurement information with color deviation maps and GD&T. The scan-based inspection software is known for its comprehensive reports with 3D PDF. Everyone can view them on their PC, Mac, or phone–no special software required.
Geomagic Control X is also useful for wear and tear analysis. It pinpoints exactly where machined components need attention for maintenance by repairing or replacing them. As a result, it allows for fast resolution and downtimes in production are minimized.
Geomagic Control X 2020 adds powerful control tools such as the Inspection Viewer, geometry control tools, and many current feature enhancements that provide enhanced performance.
Here’s a quick video overview of the new features and enhancements for Control X 2020
Geomagic Control X 2020 Release Webinar
More than 30 years ago, 3D Systems brought the innovation of 3D printing to the manufacturing industry. Today, as the leading AM solutions company, it empowers manufacturers to create products and business models never before possible through transformed workflows. This is achieved with the Company’s best-of-breed digital manufacturing ecosystem - comprised of plastic and metal 3D printers, print materials, on-demand manufacturing services and a portfolio of end-to-end manufacturing software.
Product: Geomagic Control X
Version: 2020.1.1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.3dsystems.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 2.2 Gb