SEE Electrical 的所有功能和命令完全符合电气工程的设计要求,其直观的操作界面方便于您更快更好的掌握软件。
See Electrical (formerly known as ++ Caddy) is an excellent and professional product from IGE + XAO group for electrical engineers (especially industrial electricity branch) for building electrical wiring mapping and wiring, power circuits, steering and electrical panels, etc. Of course, there are other family software for IGE XAO, but this software is much easier to use and in less time you can design standard and professional maps. All features and commands are designed in See Electrical for electrical engineers, on the other hand, it has a beautiful and convenient user interface, and you can learn how the program works in the shortest time. This software, while professional, has not forgotten its simplicity and has focused on the use of its program.
See Electrical features:
SEE Electrical 分为三个版本 - 基本版、标准版和高级版。每个版本都有不同的特色和不同的价位,这样用户就可以根据自身的需要和预算选择最合适的软件。SEE Electrical 所有版本的项目数据可以同步转换,所以软件升级非常容易。
SEE Electrical 可以让用户同时地打开多个窗口处理多个项目。有了集成的Microsoft Active® 接口, 用户可以把其他Windows程序的文档(比如Word和Excel)直接整合到项目结构中来
两款附加的模块,使SEE Electrical 更完善:
SEE Electrical 控制柜布置版(cabinet layout),是面板和控制柜设计的专业选择。
SEE Electrical 建筑安装版(house installation),是电气工艺和建筑工程师的作图模块。
两者都可以直接接入SEE Electrical。
Intel core I5 处理器,2G内存或同等容量
Windows XP 系统或者更高,建议Windows 7系统
显卡:Intel/ Matrox/ ATI,所有内存不小于1G的处理器
分辨率:最低分辨率1024 x 768象素 ,强烈推荐全高清
See Electrical (formerly known as ++ Caddy) is an excellent and professional product from IGE + XAO group for electrical engineers (especially industrial electricity branch) for building electrical wiring mapping and wiring, power circuits, steering and electrical panels, etc. Of course, there are other family software for IGE XAO, but this software is much easier to use and in less time you can design standard and professional maps. All features and commands are designed in See Electrical for electrical engineers, on the other hand, it has a beautiful and convenient user interface, and you can learn how the program works in the shortest time. This software, while professional, has not forgotten its simplicity and has focused on the use of its program.
See Electrical features:
- Simple and beautiful user interface with easy to use
- IEEE / IEC Composite Library
- Automatic numbering of components, cables and wires
- Automatic construction of cables, components and…
- Comprehensive guide
- Work with multiple projects simultaneously on one page
- Ability to combine documents from other Windows software thanks to Windows ActiveX technology
- Ability to create custom project templates
- Bilateral compatibility with other CAD systems such as DWG, DXF, DXB
- Ability to import JPG, BMP, PCX and تصاویر images
- Ability to copy a group of symbols between different projects
- Compatible work environment
- Ability to create links to images
- Ability to work with 512 layers
- Automatic backup
- Ability to send output in the form of advanced metaphors such as XML
- Display equipment information on components
- Cable management
- Management of control terminals, connections and…
- PLC output input management
- Organize diagrams in different folders
- Search and replace text throughout the project
- Draw multi-bridge wires
- Custom user lists and components
- Change the page template for the whole project or part of it
- Advanced database editor
SEE Electrical 分为三个版本 - 基本版、标准版和高级版。每个版本都有不同的特色和不同的价位,这样用户就可以根据自身的需要和预算选择最合适的软件。SEE Electrical 所有版本的项目数据可以同步转换,所以软件升级非常容易。
SEE Electrical 可以让用户同时地打开多个窗口处理多个项目。有了集成的Microsoft Active® 接口, 用户可以把其他Windows程序的文档(比如Word和Excel)直接整合到项目结构中来
两款附加的模块,使SEE Electrical 更完善:
SEE Electrical 控制柜布置版(cabinet layout),是面板和控制柜设计的专业选择。
SEE Electrical 建筑安装版(house installation),是电气工艺和建筑工程师的作图模块。
两者都可以直接接入SEE Electrical。
Intel core I5 处理器,2G内存或同等容量
Windows XP 系统或者更高,建议Windows 7系统
显卡:Intel/ Matrox/ ATI,所有内存不小于1G的处理器
分辨率:最低分辨率1024 x 768象素 ,强烈推荐全高清