SEQUENCE PILOT, or SeqPilot in particular, is a genetic analysis software developed by JSI medical systems. With its powerful tools, this software can analyze new generation sequencing data, Sanger and MLPA and be used as a standalone tool or part of an analysis system. Nowadays, physicians and researchers face many challenges due to the increasing availability of exome data to produce reliable results and accurate interpretation in a short period of time and this tool can be of great help in this regard.
Various laboratories around the world are using SeqPilot software to analyze sequencing data and to obtain accurate and reliable results. In the area where the primary focus is on patient health, it is important to conduct a transparent and accurate analysis that is well guaranteed by SeqPilot software. The SEQUENCE PILOT software features powerful modules including SEQNEXT, SEQPATIENT, MLPA®, SEQNEXT-HLA, SEQHLA and LISTENMASTER & TALKMASTER, each offering different features.
Features and Features of SEQUENCE PILOT Software:
required system
4 cores with at least 2.8 GHz
16 GB of RAM
650 GB HDD
OS of the host: Linux or Windows
A virtualization software has to be installed on the host
Various laboratories around the world are using SeqPilot software to analyze sequencing data and to obtain accurate and reliable results. In the area where the primary focus is on patient health, it is important to conduct a transparent and accurate analysis that is well guaranteed by SeqPilot software. The SEQUENCE PILOT software features powerful modules including SEQNEXT, SEQPATIENT, MLPA®, SEQNEXT-HLA, SEQHLA and LISTENMASTER & TALKMASTER, each offering different features.
Features and Features of SEQUENCE PILOT Software:
- Genetic analysis
- Powerful software solution for analyzing and filtering results
- Compatible with sequencing platforms
- User friendly graphical interface
- Easy scrolling in the Results section
- Patient-centered workflow
- Pharmaceutical and technical accreditation
- Detailed and editable analysis results
- Automatically import and extract results to LIM systems
- Has multiple powerful modules
required system
4 cores with at least 2.8 GHz
16 GB of RAM
650 GB HDD
OS of the host: Linux or Windows
A virtualization software has to be installed on the host
