haoyang#gmail.com #=@
AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 12.0
Aldec Active-HDL 12.0
Aldec Alint Pro 2020.07 x64
Aldec Riviera-PRO 2020.04 x64
Altair Activate 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair Compose 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair EDEM 2020.3.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair FEKO&WinProp (Server License) 2020.1.2/2021.0 Linux64
Altair Flux 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair HyperWorks CFD Solvers (Server License) 2020.1/2021.0 Linux64
Altair Solvers 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair HyperWorks Virtual Wind Tunnel UltraFluidx 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair Inspire 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair Extrude Metal 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair Extrude Polymer 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair Form 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Altair newFASANT 6.2.11 Linux64
Altair WRAP 4.23
Altair Seam 2019.0 v7.5.2011
Altair SimLab 2020.1/2021.0 (Server License) Linux64
Amberg Tunnel 2.17
AMIQ DVT Eclipse IDE 20.1.38 Win/Linux
AnaGlobe Thunder 3.6.3 Linux
AnyBody Modeling System 7.3.0 x64
AnyDWG PDF to DWG/DWG to DXF/DWG to PDF/DGN to DWG Converter 2020
AnyLogic Professional 8.7.2
ANSYS Apache RedHawk 2020R2.1/2021.1 (Server License) Linux64
ANSYS Apache Totem 2020R2.1 (Server License) Linux64
ANSYS Apache PowerArtist 2020R2.1 (Server License) Linux64
ANSYS Products 2021 R1 (Server Floating License) Linux64
ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 2021R1 (Server License) Linux64
ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 2020R2 (Server License) Linux64
ANSYS Lumerical Suite 2021 R1 (Server Floating License) Linux64
ANSYS Lumerical Suite 2020 R2.4 (Server Floating License) Linux64
Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) 10.4.10 x64
Aquaveo Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) 13.0.14 x64
Aquaveo Watershed Modeling System (WMS) 11.0.7 x64
Arm Development Studio 2020.1
ATK Magic Tool Suite 7.4
Aurora FEST3D 2018 SP2/SPARK3D 2018 x64
AVEVA Bocad.2.3/Everthing3D 3.1/Instrumentation.12.1/LFM Server 5.3.0
AVEVA Point Cloud Manager x64
AVEVA Review 12.2/P&ID.12.1.SP2.x32&64/PDMS.12.1.SP5/Marine.Hull&Outfitting.12.1.SP5
BAE ShipWeight Enterprise 13.0 x64
BAE ExpressMarine 2020_4.1 for Rhino 6.x
Beicip-Franlab OpenFlow Suite 2020
Biovia Discovery Studio With Pipeline Pilot Server 2016.v16.1
BluePearl Visual Verification Suite(VVE) 2020.1 Linux
BOBCAD-CAM V30/v33 x64
BobCAM for Rhino V1
BV HydroStar For Experts 7.30 x64
BV Veritas VeriSTAR Homer 2.1 x64
CATENA SIMetrix/SIMPlis 8.4
CATIA_V5-6R2019 x64
CATIA_V5-6R2020 x64
Cadence ICADVM 18.10.080
Cadence Integrated Circuit (Virtuoso): IC 6.1.8 (IC06.18.030_Hotfix)
Cadence Integrated Circuit (Advanced Node Virtuoso): ICADV 12.3 (ICADV12.30.700_Base)
Cadence Spectre Circuit Simulators: SPECTRE 20.10 (SPECTRE20.10.068_Base)
Cadence Virtuoso IP Foundation Characterization: LIBERATE 15.1 (LIBERATE15.10.000)
Cadence Assura Physical Verification: ASSURA 4.16 (ASSURA04.16.001-618)
Cadence Extraction Tools (Quantus QRC): EXT 19.1 (EXT19.10.000_Base)
Cadence Physical Verification Systems: PVS 15.2 (PVS15.21.000_Hotfix)
Cadence Manufacturability and Variability Sign-Off: MVS 15.2 (MVS15.20.000_Base)
Cadence Encounter Conformal: CONFRML 19.20 (CONFRML19.20.100_Base)
Cadence Genus Synthesis Solution: Genus 19.10 (GENUS19.10.000_Base)
Cadence Innovus Implementation System: Innovus 19.10 (INNOVUS19.10.000_Base)
Cadence Joules RTL Power Analysis: Joules 15.14 (JLS15.14.000_Hotfix)
Cadence Silicon Signoff and Verification (Tempus/Voltus IC): SSV 19.10 (SSV19.10.000_Base)
Cadence Stratus High-Level Synthesis: STRATUS 19.10 (STRATUS19.10.000_Base)
Cadence Indago Debug Platform: INDAGO 15.10 (INDAGOMAIN 15.10.001_Base)
Cadence JasperGold Apps: JASPERGOLD 20.03 (JASPERGOLD20.03.000_Base)
Cadence Metric-Driven Verification: MDV 18.03 (MDVMAIN 18.03.001_Base)
Cadence Xcelium Verification Platform: XCELIUM 19.09 (XCELIUMMAIN19.09.008)
Cadence Allegro ECAD-MCAD Library Creator: SPBS 17.4 (SPBS17.21.000_Base)
Cadence Sigrity: SIGRITY 2019 (SIG19.00.000_Base)
Cadence Silicon-Package-Board Co-Design: SPB 17.4 (SPB17.40.009_Hotfix)
Cadence Tensilica Xtensa Xplorer 7.0.9 Linux
Calsep PVTsim Nova 3.0 x64
Cast WYSIWYG Light design R40
Certainty3D TopoDOT 2020.2/2021.0 x64
CivilFEM for ANSYS 2020 R1 x64
CivilFEM for ANSYS 2019 R1 x64
CivilFEM 2020 powered by Marc 2019.1 x64
CivilFEM 2019 powered by Marc 2018.1 x64
Cliosoft SOS 7.05 Linux
CLC Genomics Workbench 21.0.1 Win/Linux
CGERisk BowTieXP 10.0.6
CGG HampsonRussell 10.4.2 x64
CMG (Computer Modelling Group) Suite 2019.101/2020.101 x64
CsimSoft Trelis.Pro.16.41.Win/Linux
CsimSoft Bolt 2.2 Win/Linux
Cobham Concerto 6.0 x32
Cobham Opera 15R3/16R1/2020SP1 x64
Concept GateVision 6.12.18/7.0.3 Win/Linux
Concept SpiceVision 6.12.18/7.0.3 Win/Linux
Concept StarVision 6.12.18/7.0.3 Win/Linux
Concept RTLVision 6.12.18/7.0.3 Win/Linux
CONVERGE Studio 3.0
Counter Sketch Studio 8.0.19256
Coventor CoventorMP 1.002/1.101 x64
Coventor CoventorWare 10.100 Win
Coventor SEMulator3D 6.0/6.1/7.0/8.0 x64
Crosslight APSYS 2017/2018
Crosslight Csuprem 2016
Crosslight LastIP 2015.07.01
Crosslight NovaTCAD 2016
Crosslight Pics3D 2018/2019
Crosslight ProCom 2011
Crosslight Sawave 2016 x64
CST STUDIO SUITE 2020 SP4 (Server License) Linux
haoyang#gmail.com #=@