ADINA System 9.7.0 | 513.9 mb
ADINA R&D Inc., is pleased to announce the availability of ADINA System 9.7.0 is a fully integrated modular system – with a full pre and post processor, and structural, heat transfer, fluid dynamics and electromagnetics modules, forming the multi physics suite. The system is designed for full multi domain coupling based on one user interface.
ADINA(自动动态增量非线性分析)是基于用于线性和非线性工程计算的有限元方法的通用程序。 ADINA使您能够解决结构和温度问题,计算流量,执行多物理场和静电仿真。在产品开发或生产中实施程序是降低原型设计成本并缩短测试时间的最佳解决方案。 ADINA程序所基于的现代计算方法,由于其解决了非线性问题的准确而可靠的结果,使其与其他程序有明显的区别。
NX Nastran使用ADINA作为非线性计算模块。
ADINA Structures是一个用于计算实体和结构的静态和动态强度的模块。考虑到材料的非线性,大变形和接触,可以线性和高度非线性的方式进行计算。
ADINA CFD是用于使用有限体积和有限元离散化来模拟可压缩和不可压缩流体流动的软件包。
ADINA Thermal是用于解决固体和结构中传热问题的软件模块。
ADINA Modeler(ADINA M)是一个使用Parasolid图形核心的AUI插件,并提供实体建模以及使用Parasolid(Unigraphics,SolidWorks,Solid Edge)与其他CAD系统的直接交互。
用于I-DEAS的TRANSOR,Patran-一个单独的模块,可以导入ADINA并从ADINA数据文件中导出I-DEAS和MSC.Patran格式ADINA 9.7.0 Release Notes - Date: February 2021
This file relnotes_97.pdf lists the new and updated features that are available in ADINA System 9.7.0, as compared with ADINA System 9.6.3. There are new commands and new and changed parameters associated with the new and updated features.

The ADINA system has been developed in recent years into a complete system for the analysis of solid, fluid and coupled problems. Fluid flows can be modeled as Navier–Stokes incompressible, slightly compressible and fully compressible flows. They can also be modeled as porous medium flows. Structures can be modeled as 2D/3D solids, beams or shells. The response of the structure can be linear or nonlinear, and can also include contact effects. The fluid and structure can be coupled through their interface (FSI), porous media (PFSI) or thermal materials (TFSI). Both iterative and direct solution procedures can be used for solving the fully coupled system. These capabilities, together with the extensive boundary conditions and material models, and the user-friendly graphical system for pre- and post-processing (AUI), make the ADINA system a powerful tool for engineers and researchers.
ADINA is also used as the Siemens NX Nastran non-linear solvers (sol 601 and 701), and has translators for Siemens FEMAP pre and post processor if the user wishes to take advantage of FEMAP. The Siemens NX Nastran can be imported and exported from ADINA.
ADINA Mesh Master - Rigid Links, Skew System and Stress error
ADINA R&D, Inc. was founded in 1986 by Dr. K.J. Bathe. The exclusive mission of the company is the development of the ADINA System for linear and nonlinear finite element analysis of solids and structures, heat transfer, CFD and electromagnetics. ADINA also offers a comprehensive array of multiphysics capabilities including fluid-structure interaction and thermo-mechanical coupling. Some of the nonlinear structural analysis capabilities of ADINA are offered as Solution 601/701 of NX Nastran by Siemens PLM Software.
Product: ADINA System
Version: 9.7.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.adina.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 513.9 mb
* System Requirements:
Minimum Requirement Windows
Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7 or higher
Memory: 256 MB RAM or more
Disk space: 500 MB for typical installation
Optional: OpenGL 3.3 compatible graphics card with at least 1GB memory for fast graphics mode display
Optional: Intel Visual Fortran 14–only needed for customization of user-supplied subroutines.