V-Ray Advanced 5.00.03 (x64) for Revit 2018-2021 | 739 Mb
V-Ray® for Revit is a versatile visualization toolset that brings you the best of both worlds—real-time visualization and photorealistic rendering. It’s everything all in one. And all in Revit. From beginner to pro, Chaos® V-Ray has all the tools you need to visualize your Revit projects from start to finish.使用 V-Ray Next for Revit,您可以使用 Revit 模型渲染超高质量的效果图,从早期概念到最终成果展示,都能达到最真实的效果。
See your designs in real-time.
Visualizing your Revit projects in real-time has never been easier. Now with V-Ray Vision, you can see your designs in real-time while you work in Revit. Move around your model, apply materials, set up lights and cameras—all with a live real-time view of your model.
Rendering that’s as real as it gets.
See exactly how your project will look. With true-to-life lights, cameras, and materials, rendering with V-Ray is as real as it gets. It's as close as you can come to the real thing before it’s built.
Bring your models to life.
Choose from an array of high-quality 3D assets—including detailed models of furniture, trees, cars, and people—to bring your project to life. The all-new Chaos Cosmos asset browser lets you easily place render-ready content right into your Revit model.
V-Ray and Revit are the perfect team.
Revit is the world's most widely used BIM software for architecture and design. And V-Ray is the world's #1 rendering software for architectural visualization. The two together are the perfect combination to take your designs and presentations to the next level.
[size=; font-size: inherit,inherit]渲染准确
- 根据真实灯光,真实的材质反射折射分析设计场景。
[size=; font-size: inherit,inherit]与 REVIT 无缝整合
- 所有设计决策在 Revit 中实时修改,不需要修改 BIM 数据库。全部工作流程在 Revit 中完成 — 无需导出导入。
[size=; font-size: inherit,inherit]互通其他平台
- 利用来自于其他三维软件如 3ds Max,Rhino 或者 SketchUp 的现成 V-Ray 场景或材质来渲染。
[size=; font-size: inherit,inherit]自定义配景
- 轻松把自定义 3D 配景置入 Revit,不会污染您的 BIM 数据库或影响 Revit 的性能。
[size=; font-size: inherit,inherit]质量可控
- 使用材质覆盖快速渲染单色工作模型。
[size=; font-size: inherit,inherit]计算能力强大
- 使用多线程 (CPU 和/或 GPU) 渲染,利用局域网计算机联机渲染或者使用 Chaos Cloud 云渲染。
- 安装vray_adv_50003_revit_win_x64.exe,安装过程中不需要安装 License Server
- 拷贝V4RCore.dll到C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit
- 拷贝cgauth.dll到C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\Libraries\vrayappsdk\bin
- 拷贝vray_BRDFScanned.dll到C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\Libraries\vrayappsdk\bin\plugins
- Revit 2018/2019/2020/2021 Win
System Requirements:
Please make sure that your system fulfills these requirements before installing V-Ray. Note that V-Ray is only supported for 64 bit operating systems and 64 bit versions of Revit.
Processor: Single- or Multi-Core Intel® Pentium®, Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended.
RAM: 8 GB RAM and 8 GB swap minimum
Supported Operating Systems: Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit, Windows® 8 & 8.1 x64, Windows® 10
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