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Vue and PlantFactory 2021.1 (R6) Build 6005878


Vue and PlantFactory 2021.1 (R6) Build 6005878 | 6.9 Gb
Languages: English, Deutsch, Français

E-on software, a leading global developer of software for the creation, animation, rendering, and integration of natural 3D environments in the computer graphics, VFX, architecture, and gaming industries, announced the immediate availability of the 2021.1 (R6) Release of its VUE, PlantFactory and PlantCatalog Exporter software.

e-on software's 2021.1 release adds over 500 additional feature, performance and user experience enhancements including USD export technology preview, Nvidia Omniverse export presets, updated interoperability, new technology previews for PlantFactory importer plugins including support for Cinema4D and V-Ray 5, a new Leaf Cluster creation tool and over 300 new content assets.

Vue, PlantFactory and PlantCatalog Exporter 2021.1 build R6 - 6005878 - Release date: February 10, 2021


Plugin (Convert tools and Hybrid Rendering)

- [NEW] Convert EcoSystem instances to Arnold procedurals (proxy files in Arnold format) in 3ds Max, Maya and Cinema4D.
- [NEW] The conversion is faster and more transparent (not using the 3D file import of host apps anymore, which made the user interface blink).
- [NEW] Convert materials to native renderer materials (V-Ray, Arnold) for a better fidelity (In the previous version, default materials were used) in 3ds Max, Maya and Cinema4D.

- [NEW] Added the ability to use the command "Convert to [3DS/Maya/C4D] Object" on native objects (Only the population is converted. If it's native instances, VUE simply releases them for the host application).
- [NEW] Added compatibility with LightWave 2020.
- [NEW] Added compatibility with C4D R23.

- [NEW] Added compatibility with the V-Ray denoiser in 3dsMax and Maya.
- [NEW] Improved generated maps by using Running Color algorithm, as we do for export.
- [NEW] Allow normal map baking as well, when material export mode is set to "bake to texture maps".
- [NEW] VUE objects (including TPF plants) can now be converted using V-Ray materials (tested with V-Ray 5 beta).
- [NEW] VUE instances are now converted to C4D Multi-Instances (feature introduced in R20 and normally more efficient). If the creation of Arnold Procedurals is enabled in the options of the Convert Tool, standard render instances are used.
- [NEW] Fixed the application of materials on converted populations with V-Ray.
- [NEW] [Cinema 4D/Maya] Use new icons in Cinema 4D and Maya toolbars.
- [NEW] Added the ability to load native objects into VUE EcoSystems when the renderer is Redshift or Octane. Then with the Convert Tool, the VUE EcoSystems can be converted to Cinema 4D multi-instances, which are well rendered by Redshift (Octane could not be tested yet).
- [NEW] Apply current conversion options to EcoSystem specimens if no custom export options have been set to the converted object/specimens.
- [NEW] Converted materials now have the same name as in the VUE scene (non-ascii characters are replaced by "_" at the moment to avoid any bug. They will be enabled in the next version).
- [NEW] Fixed conversion of global ecosystems.
- [NEW] Added the ability to abort the conversion of objects (baking process only for now), useful if it is too long.
- [NEW] PlantFactory plants in VUE EcoSystems can now be converted with animation in 3ds Max and Maya.
- [NEW] Added the ability to revert the conversion of global EcoSystems (like for single objects, they are moved in a separate layer in the VUE world browser).
- [NEW] Added the ability to select the output directory for texture maps in the Convert Tool Options.
- [Convert Tools] Export texture maps to human-friendly paths, so that the user can edit the exported maps afterwards more easily.
- Fixed the display of texture maps on VUE objects with EcoSystem materials.
- Fixed a potential crash after converting a VUE object holding an EcoSystem to a 3dsMax object.
- Fixed Material Editor opening on the wrong material when coming from the plugin's World Browser.
- [Cinema 4D] Fixed wrong preview of texture maps in Cinema 4D's viewports when tiling mode is set to mirror.
- Fixed the World Browser created when loading a scene saved with the World Browser opened (was empty and unusable before the fix).
- When saving the VUE part of the scene, skip native splines which have not been converted to VUE format.
- Fixed EcoSystem instances not converted when held by a procedural terrain.
- Fixed the conversion of TPF plants to native objects when they are loaded in EcoSystems with the "Static Mesh" quality (the mesh was rebaked which was useless).
- Fixed the conversion of objects in EcoSystems with the export mode set to "Convert Materials (using original texture maps)".
- [Maya] fixed disappearance of materials of converted objects after closing VUE.
- Fixed conversion of groups of procedural terrains.
- Fixed crash when closing VUE after converting a group.
- [3dsMax] Fixed a possible crash when closing VUE after converting a native object with an EcoSystem on it.
- [3dsMax] Fixed conversion of native groups with EcoSystems (instances were not attached to groups).
- [Hybrid Rendering] Fixed the optional application of the VUE render options to the native renderers (the number of samples is now correctly converted, and the V-Ray sampler type is fixed for the currently supported versions).
- Fixed a regression in the baking of materials using world coordinates for single objects in the scene (not in EcoSystems).
- Fixed the handling of bump (maps and intensity) with the option "Convert materials using original texture maps".
- Partially fixed the display of animable rigged objects, either when loaded as single objects in the VUE scene or as population items in EcoSystems (however if they contains several sub-meshes, only the first one appears).
- [Maya] Fixed the display of EcoSystems as boxes when the Maya "hardware texturing" is enabled.
- [CONVERT TOOLS] Fixed a crash when converting EcoSystems containing PlantFactory plants using the "Animated Mesh" quality.
- Fixed a bug when converting an object using a material shared with another non-converted object in the VUE scene (crash in 3dsMax, and duplication of materials in Maya and C4D).
- The mesh resolution of converted PlantFactory plants can now only be controlled from the Plant Editor (using the "global mesh resolution" published parameter, or the Refine/Simplify buttons). It also applies to plant populations.
- Fixed the display of EcoSystem instances with the billboard quality.
- Fixed the display of EcoSystems in Maya when the PlantFactory plugin is also present and loaded (EcoSystems were not visible).
- Fixed a crash when converting a plant with animation a second time, if the first conversion was aborted.
- Fixed a crash during the reopening of the Atmosphere Editor, if one had edited a cloud material from the previous instance of the Atmosphere Editor.
- Fixed a crash when converting PlantFactory plants with bones (static or animated).

Integration and Export

- [NEW] New USD export format which supports:

. animated bones,
. point level animation,
. PBR material,
. scene hierarchy,
. EcoSystem instances incl. USD point instancer for non skeleton EcoSystem,
. Panoramic Skymaps
. Cameras and camera paths.

You can either Export as USDA, USDC or USDZ. We've also included a direct export preset for Nvidia's Omniverse.

- [NEW] FBX file format handling now supports objects hierarchy.
- [NEW] Reworked export to native .c4d file format: support of displacement, EcoSystems, camera, 2-sided materials.
- [NEW] Improved handling of highlight.
- [NEW] Added double sided delta to move the voxels in case of double sided material (to avoid Z-fighting).
- [NEW] Added highlight maps to bake to texture options.
- [NEW] Added option to duplicate two-sided material face only.
- [NEW] Export back material textures of two-sided materials even if 3D format does not support two-sided materials.
- [NEW] Changed back orientation handling of C4d plugin ("good export" is XZY).
- [NEW] Two-sided materials are correctly baked when using duplicated polygon option.
- Fixed potential wrong normal when exporting animated planes.
- Fixed final preset always used to render exported skymap.
- Let the user choose the range and FPS of animation export.
- Fixed reading of eHDR/BIL images by selecting their HDR header file instead of the BIL file (the header was confused as a Radiance HDR image file, which is another format).
- Imported cameras are now centered with the objects if the option is checked.
- When exporting entire scene, always save the atmosphere file (if any) in the same folder as the exported scene file.
- Export ground plane, if any, when exporting the entire scene (restricted to a zone, like infinite terrains).
- Fixed export of infinite terrains: the restriction to the export zone was wrongly shifted and scaled.
- When activating export preview on an infinite object, propose to define the export zone at once.
- Corrected export of baked texture maps color extension to be more gamma correct.
- [Ptex] Upgrade library to version 2.3.2 (minor upgrade).
- Fixed reset export options between two exports.
- Fixed a potential crash when exporting ambient occlusion for an EcoSystem specimen.
- Fixed some map name that are not supported by the filesystem.
- Fixed a potential crash when exporting a same EcoSystem (or an entire scene containing EcoSystems) twice.
- Fixed potential issues in ambient occlusion export, when a PF species has a time-dependent graph.
- [OBJ] Fixed loading texture names with double-quotes in the MTL.
- Fixed inconsistent UI in some cases: when exporting exactly 1 object having custom settings, the default export settings were possibly displayed instead.
- Make sure per specimen export options are correctly saved (bug specific to fast-save mode).
- Fixed material export mode always reverting to automatic when loading a scene.
- Editing default object export options should not require any export zone.
- Fixed inconsistent scale of EcoSystem instances when global export scale is different from 1.
- Added a warning when exporting TPF plants with baked texture mode while plant contains node with disabled baking option.
- When loading a preset in export dialog, do not override settings that are not disabled (typically, we used to switch baked maps to JPEG).
- Fixed potential crash when exporting point level animated plant twice.
- Detected flipped vertex normals upon import, and propose to fix them.
- Fixed a potential crash in case of export of very badly formed meshes.
- Blender preset extract alpha by default.
- Fixed the baking of Ambient Occlusion for most of objects (were 100% white).
- Fixed invalid library dependencies on macOS (necessary for LW2020 on macOS 10.14 but may betray other problems).
- Fixed wrong scale and pivot when exporting a single billboard.
- Fixed the export of a spline's EcoSystem instances when the spline has no geometry.
- Avoid repeating the question about dubious vertex normals: instead, apply the same choice for all meshes in the imported file.
- Fixed potential failure of Alembic export when exporting an EcoSystem with different species.
- Fixed wrong scaling of VDB clouds when exporting entire scene.
- Fixed missing data from USGS imagery layers (PNG tiles without the PNG extension could not be read, while JPG tiles without the JPG extension could).
- Fixed texture mapping artifacts in the PathTracer for Procedural Terrains imported and textured using the Real-World Import panel.
- Fixed VDB cloud exporting only the bottom part of a cloud zone.

Natural Elements



Rendering and PathTracer



Perfomance and Stability





Importer Plugins

- [NEW] New Cinema4D Importer plugin Technology Preview, with support of Standard, Arnold and Vray material conversions.

- [NEW] Converted materials now have the same name as in the TPF plants (non-ascii characters are replaced by "_" at the moment to avoid any bug. They will be enabled in the next version).
- [NEW] Menu commands to edit and convert plants now work even if no plant is selected (it forces the selection of the first plant in the scene).
- [Maya] Fixed a crash when editing plants and if the selected renderer was Arnold or V-Ray.
- [Maya] Removed an orange overlay on some faces of plants after editing them.
- Materials and their graphs are now re-used when editing a plant, instead of being replaced by new ones.
- Avoided useless update of the plant when closing the plant editor.
- Simplified the assignation of materials (which can make the update of heavy meshes faster).
- Export texture maps to human-friendly paths, so that the user can edit the exported maps afterwards more easily.
- Removed the slider controlling the resolution of the mesh of the exported plant. It should now be controlled either with the "global mesh resolution" published parameter (for plants having it, like those of the Plant Catalog), or with the Refine/Simplify buttons in the Plant Editor (for other plants without a resolution parameter).
- Fixed crash when opening the plant editor.
- [3dsMax] Fixed a crash when editing plants and if the selected renderer was ART or Scanline.
- Fixed images not copied to given convert folder.
- Fixed a crash when converting a plant with animation a second time, if the first conversion was aborted.
- In the Convert Tool Options, the "Converted maps directory" is now correctly saved and reloaded when re-opening the dialog.

Integration and Export

- [NEW] New USD export format: supports animated bones, point level animation, PBR material. Export as USDA, USDC or USDZ.
- [NEW] Improved handling of highlight.
- [NEW] Added double sided delta to move the vertices in case of double sided material ( to avoid Z-fighting ).
- [NEW] Added highlight map to bake to texture options.
- [NEW] Added a warning when exporting TPF plants with baked texture mode while plant contains node with disabled baking option.
- [NEW] Added option to duplicate two-sided material face only.
- [NEW] Added two-sided material support in C4D export.
- [NEW] Fixed orientation of faces and normals in c4d export.
- [NEW] Export back material textures of two-sided materials even if 3D format does not support two-sided materials.
- [NEW] Change back orientation handling of C4d plugin ("good export" is XZY).
- [NEW] Baking : Unwrap segments as cylinders, it makes less artefacts.
- [NEW] Two-sided materials are correctly baked when using duplicated polygon option.
- Fixed Animation UI not being refreshed.
- Corrected export of baked texture maps color extension to be more gamma correct.
- [Ptex] Upgrade library to version 2.3.2 (minor upgrade).
- Fixed reset export options between two exports.
- Fixed autogrowth export with mixed quad/triangle meshing.
- when loading a preset in export dialog, do not override settings that are not disabled (typically, we used to switch baked maps to JPEG).
- Fixed potential crash when exporting point level animated plant twice.
- Detect flipped vertex normals upon import, and propose to fix them.
- Fixed branch not being able to be baked.
- Fixed Ambient Occlusion being exported with gamma encoding instead of linear.
- Fixed billboard Ambient Occlusion export.
- Improved material baking of blades.
- Fixed two-sided material baking of flower node.
- Blender preset extract alpha by default.
- Fixed the baking of Ambient Occlusion with Generic UVs (were 100% white).
- Fixed invalid library dependencies on macOS.
- Avoid repeating the question about dubious vertex normals: instead, apply the same choice for all meshes in the imported file.
- Fixed potential failure of Alembic export when exporting an EcoSystem with different species.

Leaf Cluster



Rendering and PathTracer

Performance and Stability




VUE integrates flexible and powerful terrain modeling technologies. From creating full planets to infinitely detailed terrainscapes, VUE's got you covered

VUE ships with a hefty plant library, comprised of over 170 plant species, from HD vegetation to low resolution. More species are added on a regular basis.

The VUE vegetation technology ensures that no two plants you add to your scene will be identical, freeing you from hardcore vegetation modeling tasks, and adding more subtlety to your scenes.

The Plant Editor lets you easily customize any of the plants included and allows you to create your own, unique plant species. VUE will also automatically animate plants for you so that they gently sway in the breeze, or twist and bend in strong winds

VUE is natively compatible with the fully procedural PlantFactory file format, to produce high-quality hero trees as well as distant vegetation. VUE can animate all of the exposed plant properties (such as Health, Seasonality or any other published plant parameter).

Plants created with PlantFactory can be exported to any 3D application using export formats such as Alembic, FBX, 3DS, OBJ, C4D, LWO, etc.

Plants are exported fully rigged, fully textured, with UV maps and displacement, and with all their LODs. Breeze or wind animated plants can be exported as a fully rigged mesh or as a cloud of animated vertices (MDD style).

You can fine-tune the animation of rigged mesh plants directly inside your target 3D application.

PlantFactory also offers a variety of export presets, custom tailored for specific host applications. Such presets include export for 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema4D, LightWave, Modo, ZBrush, Unity, Unreal, Blender, and more…

PlantFactory also ships with import plugins for 3ds Max and Maya. These plugins allow for loading, editing health, maturity and season as well as published parameters and converting native PlantFactory content within the host application, without going through any baking or exporting processed.

In 3ds Max, the plugin can generate materials for the following renderers: Arnold, V-Ray Next, Scanline, ART Renderer. In Maya, the plugin can generate materials for the following renderers: Arnold, V-Ray Next and Maya Software. Rendering with other renderers is still possible as the plugin will generate native standard materials (provided such render engine supports native standard materials or after some manual material adjustments).

When used in conjunction with VUE, PlantFactory will fully integrate and expand the software, so that you can access the plant editing power of PlantFactory directly from VUE and use the VUE tools to affect the PlantFactory vegetation.

Furthermore, when used inside of VUE, PlantFactory creates unique vegetation - i.e. no two plants of the same species will ever look exactly alike. PlantFactory plants also sway in the breeze, or twist and bend in strong winds.

PlantFactory plants will automatically adapt their resolution with distance, through a dynamic LOD system, making them perfect for Hero plants, foreground, mid-ground and background placements in your compositions.

PlantFactory vegetation can be edited directly within the VUE Plant Editor. Specific parameters from the plant graph can be extracted to the Plant Editor to create simplified, high-level controls and facilitate your plant editing process.

Last but not least, like any VUE component, PlantFactory plants will work seamlessly with the EcoSystem technology to create landscapes containing millions of unique plants.

Starting with the plant factory. Introduction.

We were founded in 1997 on the premise that powerful graphics tools should never get in the way of the designer’s creativity. After being acquired by Bentley Systems in 2015, we’ve been able to invest more resources into research and development to ensure we remain at the forefront of the industry. With 20 employees dedicated to our e-on solutions, our once small idea of creating cutting-edge, user-friendly technologies to inspire our user’s creativity is growing every day.

Product: VUE and PlantFactory
Version: 2021.1 R6 Build 6005878 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://info.e-onsoftware.com/
Language: english
System Requirements: PC **
Size: 6.9 Gb

* release info:

- PlantFactoryX1.6_6005878_Release_30857
- VUE_X1.6_6005878_Release_30855
- Extra_Content_2021.1_R6
- PlantFactoryX1.6_30865_6005878_Plugins
- PlantFactoryX1.6_6005878_Release_30857
- VueX1.6_30855_6005878_Release
- VueX1.6_30860_6005878_Plugins

** System Requirements:

VUE is a 64-bit application, designed for 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Intel Mac OS X 10.10+ platforms. Like all 3D packages, it is highly demanding in terms of computer power. Although the application is totally multi-threaded to ensure the smoothest possible response, you must realize that there is a lot going on when you work in VUE.

Recommended System Specs
- Windows 64 bit (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10)
- Multi-core CPU (Intel QuadCore, Core I7, or Mac Pro), AVX compliant,
- 8GB+ of RAM,
- 4GB+ of free Hard Disk space (on the drive hosting the OS),
- We recommend a graphics card containing at least 4 GB of VRAM with a 3D Mark score of 10,000 or better.
Compatible Hots:
- Autodesk MAYA 2015-2020
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2016-2021
- Maxon Cinema 4D R16-R22
- Newtek Lightwave 11.6-2019

PlantFactory is a 64 bits application, designed for 64 bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 and Intel Mac OS X 10.10+ platforms. A video board that can run Shader model 4 is required. For better performance, a minimum of 2GB of video RAM is recommended (Video RAM should not be confused with system RAM. Video RAM resides solely on your video board).

Performance of the software is directly related to the power of the system running it. PlantFactory is optimized to make the best of all the processors/cores on your system. The power of your video board directly impacts the frame-rate of the plant preview.

Recommended System Specs
- Windows 64 bit (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10)
- We recommend a graphics card containing at least 4 GB of VRAM with a 3D Mark score of 10,000 or better
- Multi-core CPU (Intel QuadCore, Core I7, or Mac Pro), AVX compliant
- 8+GB of free RAM
- 4GB of free Hard Disk space.

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