BETA CAE Systems is a private software engineering company committed to developing CAE software systems. Our products are ANSA / μETA.
ANSA: Advanced CAE is a multidisciplinary tool that provides all the capabilities needed to build models of CAD data ready in an integrated environment. ANSA is a user priority software due to the wide range of features and tools needed.
μΕΤΑ: A versatile processor to meet the converging needs of different CAE disciplines, and its success owes its impressive performance, innovative features and interoperability to animations, maps, movies, reports and other objects. Using the unique capabilities of μΕΤΑ automation, very complex tasks can be done in interactive or batch mode.新版 BETA CAE Systemsv20.1.0成功地在最近推出的v20x系列功能中加入了引人注目的增强功能,并结合了独特的新功能,从而为实现更高效的流程简化和加速铺平了道路。今天的这篇文章我们将重点介绍一下有关BETA CAE Systems 2020 v20.1 Suite版本中的新工具,以及该版本值得注意的软件功能的一些要点。
ANSA 2020
为了使模型建立过程更加有效,ANSA v20.1.0扩展了已引入的标准零件库概念,包含了通过特征管理器实现紧固件自动识别、处理和建模的概念。版本20.1.0邀请你通过引入新功能(例如用户定义的质量标准)以及通过变形和优化功能丰富的虚拟现实实现,进一步深入探索BETA产品的核心。
EPILYSIS随附用于SOL200多学科优化的扩展功能。 它通过基于MAC的模式跟踪以及密度过滤方法和最大成员大小(TVMAX)扩展了拓扑优化功能。为了进一步增强互操作性和与其他仿真软件的交互作用,ANSA用户现在可以使用EPILYSIS(或META)从大型FEM模型中创建降阶模型的各种表示形式,然后将其导出以用于第三方多体动力学和控制系统软件。
META 2020
META在“图形”领域大有帮助,不仅在可视化领域而且在速度性能方面都提供了增强。新版本通过诸如语音命令之类的新功能增强了虚拟现实的体验,并升级了与模型操纵和处理相关的现有功能,例如爆炸和传送。新的工具和功能中,值得注意的是,METADB文件中的性能改进以及用于NVH分析的专用工具栏为我们的后处理解决方案增加了价值。 同时,新类补充了报表和电子表格中数据的创建、修改和删除。 结合新的META脚本API,这些开发可减少内存消耗并提高执行速度。
Features and Features of BETA CAE Systems Software:
- Investigating efficient data for complex model structures
- Fast and high quality modeling of complex geometries
- Interoperability between models built for different solutions
- Fully automated procedures and model setup tools in an environment
- Reduce user-dependent error operations
- Build the perfect model for multiple solvers in one environment
- Unique capability to build a common model as a basis for modeling various disciplines
- Significantly reduced modeling time and increased quality
- Short learning curve and extension time
- Single tool for 2D and 3D after processing, for all strings
- High level of automation for all stages, up to report generation
- High performance reading results and display graphics
- Collaboration with ANSA
- Direct connection with optimizer
System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for BETA_LM_TOOLS v6.4 or later
Linux 32bit 64bit
glibc 2.3 glibc 2.3.3
Apple Mac OS X Mac OS X v10.4 Mac OS X v10.6 or later
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later
Minimum system requirements for ANSA v15.1.0 or later
MacOS 32bit 64bit
Apple Mac OS X Discontinued Mac OS X v10.6 or later
Discontinued glibc 2.3.3
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later
Minimum system requirements for CAD data translators
LINUX 32bit 64bit
Translators GUI
Translators Discontinued glibc 2.3.3
Translators GUI
Translators Discontinued Mac OS X v10.6 or later
Translators GUI
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later
Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 Redistributable Package
Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Redistributable Package
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later
Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 Redistributable Package
Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Redistributable Package