CONVERGE是一种革命性的计算流体动力学(CFD)程序,可消除模拟过程中的网格生成瓶颈。 CONVERGE由发动机仿真专家开发,可直接用于发动机和非发动机仿真。 与许多CFD程序不同,CONVERGE在运行时会根据用户定义的简单控制参数自动生成完全正交的结构化网格。 这种网格生成方法完全消除了手动生成网格的需要。 此外,CONVERGE还提供许多其他功能来加快设置过程,并确保您的模拟尽可能地提高计算效率。CONVERGE CFD is a multifunctional software from Convergent Science for CFD simulation and analysis. This app comes with innovative features that are outlined in the app’s general features. This software eliminates the time required by the user to design the mesh, automatically mounting and connecting moving parts, preventing meshes associated with border motions, as well as independent mesh resolution for best geometric structure. The meshes are selected.
CONVERGE CFD Software also comes complete with POWER / GT-SUITE wristbands, which adds two-way interaction capabilities, border connectors and hydraulic connections. The program includes complete chemical models and uses genetic optimization tools.
Features and Features of CONVERGE CFD Software:
- Powerful and efficient user interface
- No user need to design meshes (CONVERGE is a different CFD software, it automatically generates runtime grids so you don’t have to spend time creating meshes)
- Improved meshes with AMR adaptive method
- Using advanced and accurate combustion models to solve many combustion-related problems
- Ability to simulate multiphase fluids
- Ability to simulate turbulent fluids and complex and complex scenarios
- Detailed analysis of fluid heat exchange in boundary states
- Carefully review issues related to the interaction of different components together
- Simultaneous computing to increase computing speed
- And …
required system
Studio with an OpenGL-compatible video card (OpenGL 3.3+ compatible recommended).
To manipulate geometry in CONVERGE Studio, we recommend the following minimum RAM:
10,000 triangles – 200 MB RAM
120,000 triangles – 475 MB of RAM
200,000 triangles – 650 MB RAM
400,000 triangles – 1 GB of RAM
800,000 triangles – 1.8 GB of RAM
1,000,000 triangles – 2.0 GB of RAM
For the CONVERGE solver, the recommended amount of RAM depends on the size of the domain; the level of grid refinement; the number of species, passives and reactions in the mechanism; and other simulation-specific criteria. A small, simple simulation (eg, an engine sector case) can be efficiently executed in a serial on a single machine with less than 4 GB of RAM. Longer simulations (eg, a fuel-injected port, full-cylinder simulation using SAGE detailed chemistry solver) may require several multi-core machines to achieve a solution in a reasonable time. Contact the Convergent Science, Inc. Support Team ( ) to discuss processor selection for your simulation.
Installation guide
Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.