ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 | 12.1 Gb
Bentley Systems announces the general access of the ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 structural detailing application, which incorporates the capabilities of the ProSteel and ProConcrete applications. The release also features interoperability with Bentley’s reality modeling capabilities, which will allow users to incorporate real-world conditions in their modeling throughout the design and construction lifecycle.
ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 - Date: September 17, 2020
What`s New Highlights
ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 is compatible with
- ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 3.1 (,
- ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 3.1 Refresh (,
- ProjectWise CONNECT Edition Update 3.2 (, Update 3.3 (
- ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 is compatible with Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition V11 ( & V11 Update1 (
Please Note: The Structural Synchronizer version is not supported.
- ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 is compatible with iModel publishing 1.6
- ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 is compatible with iModel publishing 2.0
Item Types
-ProStructures Properties can be added to Item Types as expressions in the Item Type expressions dialog.
- ISM Section Type filters added to the Section Mapping dialog to narrow the list of sections displayed.
- Categorization of Shape Types is added in the Section Mapping dialog so that the information about the ISM shape types in the mapping table can be used to choose the appropriate shapes.
- Welded Shapes are added to the mapping table for mapping ISM sections with welded shapes in ProStructures. You can create welded shapes in ProStructures in advance to use for mapping during import.
- Combined Shapes are added to the mapping table for mapping ISM sections with combined shapes in ProStructures. You can create combined shapes in ProStructures in advance to use for mapping during import.
- Custom Sections are added to the mapping table for mapping user defined sections with sections available in ProStructures while importing ISM files instead of creating sections on the fly.
- Built-Up Sections are added to the mapping table for mapping built-up sections with sections available in ProStructures while importing ISM files.
- Parametric Sections are added to the mapping table for mapping parametric sections with sections available in ProStructures while importing ISM files

- Material Mapping dialog is now displayed during every import.

Dataset Changes:
- Additional steel and concrete material definitions included in Russia workspace. Please check ‘ProStructuresMaterial.mdb’ located at \WorkSpaces\Russia\Standards\ProStructures\Data.
- Redefined path for border files in US_Canada Imperial and Metric workspace. Now border frame files are accessed from \WorkSpaces\USA_Canada_(UnitSystme)\Standards\ProStructures\Details\Borders.
- New border files are added to US_Canada Imperial workspace, with attractive title blocks.

- 'Detail Center Express' templates have been added as favorites for ANSI and ARCH border files in US_Canada Imperial workspace.
Export PS Properties to iModel Hub
- Now PS Properties can be exported to iModel Hub or iTwin Design Review by adding one Environment System variable into the system.
- The variable is imodel-bridge-look-for-intrinsic and the value will be 1

Features moved from Technology Preview to Commercial Release
- The following feature that were in Technology Preview mode in previous updates, have been commercially released in this update:
. Cross Bolting
Steel Parts Drilling Improvement
- Steel Parts i.e. Shape, Flat and Plate now can be automatically drilled in the thickness direction irrespective of ACS. There is no more necessary to set ACS before drilling.

Positioning Improvements:
- More control over positioning start numbers and ranges based on part family assignments. One can define range for position numbers e.g. First floor beams can start from 1000 and second floor beams can start from 2000 etc.
- New Column Added in Part Families Dialog for Position Start Numbering

- Added new option “Use part family start number” to get the Position No according to Part family Start No

ProSteel group as IFC Assembly
- Now ProSteel groups are exported as IFC Assemblies in IFC Export. This will be helpful to recreate the hierarchy of elements in another software like StruMIS.
Added 2D Detail Description Text Alignment Options
- Now 2D detail description can be aligned Left, Center and Right to as required with newly added options from detail style

Added Dono Brace as User Part
- Dono Brace has been added as a User Part in NewZealand Workspace
[Technology Preview] OpenTower Integration
3D model from OpenTower can be now imported to ProSteel. OpenTower creates an .xml output and this xml file can be imported to ProSteel. Currently, import can be run using key-in “prosteel import opentower’”. Following implementation has been done so far…
- XML Integration with ProStructures Tower Classes provides the import mechanism to work with the latest XML file format.
- Workframes created for imported tower and elements that need to be assigned to different display classes so drawings can be created effectively using the model.
- Tables can now be created in the model containing Tower parametric data to use in drawings.
- Mapping of Standard SPC Sections from XML to ProStructures.
- Un-Mapped Sections generated are as dummy members and highlighted red so changes can be made to them later.
- The feeder lines in the plan view can be scaled with a bigger scale than the tower so that the feeder lines are better visible in the drawing.
- Beam to Column End Plate connection enhanced with chamfer option on vertical Stiffener
- In Stiffener distribution tool triangular stiffener is now have square end in place of sharp vertex.
StruMIS Integration (IFC)
- The properties necessary for StruMIS can be exported in an IFC file exported from ProStructures to manage fabrication using StruMIS effectively.
Improved Part Families User Interface
- The Part Families dialog box is now re sizable and easier to use.

Improved Plate Chamfer Tool
- A new Swap Values option is added to the Plate Editor and Element Modification dialogs' Chamfer tab. Clicking the Swap Values button swap the chamfer direction on plates by switching the values you enter for the first and second chamfer distances.

Improved Handrail Tool
- The Standard Handrail tool can now be used with Line and Smart Line elements.

Group Selection Improvement
- A new PS Toggle Enable Select Group as Whole allows you to select whole groups or individual elements within groups in the Named Groups dialog.

OpenBuildings Designer Integration
- OpenBuildings Designer integrates ProStructures elements into its Structural workflows for more detailed modeling options.
[Technology Preview] Pre-Engineered Building Component Placement.
- This is work-in-Progress feature and can be enabled by setting configuration variable value PS_ENABLE_PEBMEMBERS =1. Later, re-start the session and run key-in “prosteel peb straightmember” to place PEB shape.
Added Support for Weight Calculation Tool
- This tool is Add-On and can be used for weight calculation of Steel elements. In addition to Weight calculation it has many more functionalities. This is a PlugIn and can be downloaded from the Bentley Community link and loaded in ProSteel. (Included)
After installing this can be enabled from Tool Boxes
[Technology Preview] AutoLabels for 2D rebar drawings
- New feature, AutoLabels introduced which has ability to add Bar labels automatically while creating 2D Rebar drawing.
Note: The Autolabel feature is enabled by default if the Technology Preview feature "AutoLabels for 2D Rebar Drawings" option is toggled ON during the installation.
Rebar Selection Improvement
- New PC Toggles give you greater control over Rebar selection when Item Types are being assigned, and can be used as a review method, for understanding how Rebar Sets are built in the model. PC Toggles select either a Rebar Set, a Rebar Assembly or an individual Rebar Element. This can be activated from Tool boxes at File > Settings > User > Tool Boxe
Note: Other functionality like double clicking on the bars or opening the bars PS Properties edit the whole assembly, regardless of which PC Toggle is activated.
2D Support for Vary Set Bar and Fanned Bar Ranges
- An enhancement in 2D drawings such as plans and elevations, allows Vary Set Ranges and Fanned Bar Ranges created using the Irregular Dispatch tool to be properly displayed.
2D Support for Curved Bar Ranges
- An enhancement in 2D drawings such as plans and elevations, allows Arc Bar Ranges to be properly displayed. In sections, where curved bars are cut, the bars are now properly re symbolized as circles.
Improved Rebar Tags
- Tags added at the end of main bars to indicate their location are enhanced with improved presentation and text alignment based on their position against the bars.
[Technology Preview] Improvements for Drawing Schedule Generator
The Rebar Schedule Generator tool is enhanced for:
- Improved performance when loading rebar data,
- Zone column added to display data like Near Face, Far Face, Top, Bottom,
- Label column added to display data like X or Y direction as well as Remarks from reinforcement placement dialogs,
- Item Type column added to display data from user defined Item Type properties assigned to rebar,
- The ability to hide unused columns in the Custom Schedule is added which is especially useful with Bend Dimensions, and
- The ability to create In-line Bar Weight Summaries.
[Technology Preview] Improvements for Manual Bar Marking Tool
- Improved performance when loading rebar data into the (Technology Preview) Manual Bar Mark Manager tool.
Shape Code 67 dimensions are not coming as per Rebar Shape Code BS8666:2005
- Radius dimension is now measured from inner side of bar. Also added B and C dimensions for Shape 67
Edit End Conditions Dialog Box Cleanup
- Cleaned up Edit End Condition dialog by removing repeated End condition edit options. Now user can apply End Condition by RebarSet instead of Zone which will provide user more control
Added “Dual bar” display and Label Option
Dual Bar option has been added to display Range bar as two bars only at each end of rebarset on 2D Rebar Drawing and delimiter also fit to them.
- First two and Last two typical bars can be shown for Bar range.
- First two and last two long bars can be shown, and topline label can be added to it accordingly.
- Added dual in Leader line which is at angle 45 degree and added topline connecting all leader. label can be added to center of topline.
Added Drag & Drop Functionality to adjust Delimiter location
- When ILBL = 0, The existing Adjust delimiter controls will start Move Delimiter functionality
- When ILBL is not equal to 0, The existing delimiter adjust control works as previous.
Note: Previous when ILBL = 0 , The step size is 0.5 mm
Improvements in Delimiter and label settings
Delimiter now follows the distribution of Rebar path
Now Delimiter is following the Rebar distribution path when path even inclined or in some angle. New Range Display "Radial" is added. By enabling this option in Bar range Display you can now able to achieve delimiter even in distribution path
Curved delimiter is now possible
- You can now provide curved delimiter and the delimiter end also follows the curvature.
Introduced Curved Label
- Now Curved Labels can be shown.
Export User Mark to ARMA
- Now User Bar Marks can be exported to ARMA.
Re-Mapping of Un-managed rebar shapes during ARMA export
- For unmanaged shape named as NSD 1, NSD 2 or NSD 3 to be converted to NSD only for ARMA Export machine.
Mechanical device Start & End swapping
In Partlist, Mechanical Device will be tabled in Start and End to match with rebar shape sketch Start and End.
Now while reinforcing beam, if solid columns is supporting that beam then those solid will be identify as support and will be highlighted in red and green color as like concrete columns.
Create Concrete Solid Reference Object on User defined level
Previously, Concrete reference object was getting created on active level, user has to manually change the level to desired level.
This inconvenience has been addressed by introducing the new configuration variable which sets user defined level for Concrete solid reference object.
If User defined level is not set then instead of active level, now Concrete Solid Reference object will get created on PC_CONCRETE level.
How to use this feature:
1. Open the configuration variable dialog
2. Set new variable,
Variable name: PC_OVERLAY_LEVEL
Value – Level name (Put the level name on which CSR should get created.
Resolved main Issues in ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5
1079182 Weight calculation tool was implemented in ProStructures CONNECT Edition
1082120 .Net / VBA connections can now be deleted in one Go
1092903 Better messaging for non-compatibility of DGN with former versions
890951 View title can now be adjusted in the drawings in the Detail Center
1076036 IFC Export: Groups are now correctly mapped with IFC Assembly
1072271 IFC Export: Properties for StruMIS are being appropriately populated in the exported IFC file
1069149,1069711,1062657,1062659,1062660,1062661 ISM Import: improved mapping of Weldshapes, Roof Wall Shapes, Combined shapes, Parametric sections, custom Sections and build up sections
1078798,1078799.1078801,1089440,1090127,1090190,1086623,1086624 ISM Export: correct mapping as table sections, fixed properties and workflows
1090081 NC: Part count correct on first choice with Option selected elements
1076020 Positioning Start Number for Part Family - Validation for ranges is implemented
1074916 Printing- ProStructures objects are now honoring pen table settings
1070098 The external part list is now getting the drawing (revision) index number
1070107 In drawing part list contains now also drawing number, index (revision) and name (file path)
1074330 Real Section display for flange lines in 2D display improved
1077617 Display of second washer enhanced
1068334 Radius dimensions have been enhanced
1074576, 1074578, 1074581, 1074582 Resizing in display and process dialogues enhanced
1067421 Standard handrail can be placed on smart line now
1064076 Stretching of arc shapes is now possible
1052324 Item types can now use ProStructure properties with expressions
1098461,1098464,1076930 ARMA Export with Bar Grade and Shape Name and other Improvements
1036997 Undo does not duplicate Rebar Labels undercertain circumstances
860755 Bar Grades appear now always on first time label insertion
1105684 Move labels is now always working
927345 2D Bars are created with multi reference files
927345 2D Bars are improved for curved Bars
1061262 Size of Bar end is now controlled by HDIA variable
1090262 Long bars are updated under all conditions now
1104289 Rebar Color is correct after applying modifications
1103534 Rebars are selected as whole in all cases for positioning and part list
1083361 Crash after 2 time undo of certain Rebar sets
1085309 PC Toggle tools: Selection is reflected in the PS_Properties
1036725 All Rebars are displayed when using circular opening
1020646 Irregular dispatch: "Make Arc intermediate Point" gives always exact results
1058400 Rebar couplers are displayed for copied Rebar sets
863081 Bar marks are retained after stretching
933428 Rebar Selection can be controlled better
934534 PC DWG Export for 2D bars improved
1086956 Bar mark assignment for single bars improved
1103885 Bar marks appearing now in tooltips and Properties after positioning
1065838 Printing of Rebar elements improved for 3D Pdf
1103110 Select all performance with open element information pane enhanced
1103226 Concrete and rebar positioning is speeded up in execution
1079685 Clash detection (Power Platform) is now available without beeing licensed

ProStructures CONNECT Edition is a (BIM) software comprising of ProSteel and ProConcrete, it allows structural engineers, designers, detailers, and fabricators to efficiently create accurate 3D models for structural steel and reinforced concrete structures. ProStructures integrated tools provides fast creation of design drawings, fabrication details, and schedules, with automatic updates whenever the 3D model is changed.
What’s new in the ProSteel CONNECT Edition Update 5
What’s new in ProConcrete CONNECT Edition Update 5 | Rebar Auto-Labelling
What’s new in ProConcrete CONNECT Edition Update 5
Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.
Product: ProStructures
Version: CONNECT Edition Update 5 (build *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: **
Size: 12.1 Gb
* release info:
ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update 5 (build
Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition
LumenRT Designer
Bentley LumenRT Content Objects
Bentley LumenRT Content People
Bentley LumenRT Content Plants
** System Requirements:
Installation Requirements
A CD drive or access to the Internet is required for product installation. The minimum system configuration for installation is:
Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 10 (64-bit) - Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education
- Windows 8.1 (64-bit) - Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
- Windows 8 (64-bit) - Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
- Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) - Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate
Note: You must have the following Microsoft updates installed on your machine:
- KB2999226 - For Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, and Windows Server 2012
- KB2919355 - For Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012
Note: Windows 7 operating system is supported only if you have its service pack (SP1) or later installed
Minimum Profile
The minimum recommended workstation profile for running ProStructures CONNECT Edition is:
Processor: Intel or AMD processor 1.0 GHz or greater. ProStructures is not supported on a CPU that does not support SSE2.
Memory: 16 GB minimum, 32 GB recommended. More memory almost always improves performance, particularly when working with larger models.
Hard Disk: 20 GB free disk space (which includes the 12 GB install footprint for a complete installation)
Video: See the graphics card manufacturer for latest information on DirectX drivers. 1 GB of video RAM or higher is recommended. If insufficient video RAM or no graphics card supported by DirectX can be found, ProStructures attempts to use software emulation. For optimal performance, graphics display color depth should be set to 24-bit or higher. When using a color depth setting of 16-bit, some inconsistencies will be noted.
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher.