地下水远景(问)是一个复杂的三维地下水流与Windows图形用户界面传输模型。问夫妇一个强大的模型设计系统与全面的图形分析工具。由ModelCadTM的作者,问是MODFLOW model-independent图形设计系统MODPATH(稳态和瞬态版本),MT3DMS, MODFLOWT, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOW2000, GFLOW, RT3D PATH3D SEAWAT和害虫。先进的地下水远景(随机)版本提供了理想的地下水风险评估工具。地下水的远景是第一个MODFLOW家族的建模环境模型,允许量化的不确定性。随机地下水MODFLOW的远景包括蒙特卡洛版本,MODPATH MT3D,地质统计学模拟器迅速的支持,64位支持等等。专业版包括地下水远景先进+ AquiferWin32 Winflow, GW3D MODHMS支持和GSFLOW支持。高级版包括地下水

PHAWorks is a specialized tool for conducting Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) studies, such as HAZOP and What If studies. The software is designed to allow you to start conducting studies straight out of the box, leading you through each step of data entry. Within minutes, you can start documenting your PHA studies more quickly and efficiently while keeping the team focused on the task at hand. PHAWorks will not get in the way of conducting the study. It is a tool designed to help, not hinder, the performance of the study. PHA studies, such as HAZOP, What If, and FMEA, have become easier, quicker and more cost effective with PHAWorks. With the time and cost savings it provides, PHAWorks is a tool that is essential to your company. No PHA software is used or trusted more throughout the world than PHAWorks.
Key Benefits of Using PHAWorks
- Conduct your PHA studies more quickly and efficiently.
- Use a consistent framework to help improve the quality of your studies.
- Choose from various PHA techniques to conduct your studies, such as HAZOP, WHAT If, FMEA, PrHA, and Checklist.
- Customize the software (add / delete / rename columns) for other uses.
- Use Libraries of technical information to assist in the completion of your studies.
- Create custom reports in HTML, Word, Excel and PDF format.