程序员文本编辑器 Sublime Text 3 Build 3007 全平台破解版,windows 32 bit or 64 bit、Ubuntu 32 bit or 64 bit、OS X全部支持
Build 3008
Release Date: 30 January 2013
- Fixed Open all with current extension as
- Fixed the Tools/Macros menu
- Linux: Restored compatibility with older glibc versions
- Linux: Added Installed-Size field to the .deb
- API: urllib.request can be imported on OS X
- API: Fixed missing _socket module on 32 bit Windows
Build 3007Release Date: 30 January 2013
- OSX: Fixed extraneous dock icons
- Added Symbol Indexing support for Scala
- Fixed crash that could occur when using Goto Anything
- Fixed the ignored_packages setting not working correctly with zipped packages
- Vintage: Fixed 'o' and 'O'
- API: Fixed on_query_completions not working correctly in some circumstance
- API: Re-added view.score_selector
- API: Selection.add() no longer ignores the xpos
破解说明:3个系统平台全部破解测试通过,windows下我做了绿色打包,直接下载绿色包就可以用了;Ubuntu和OS X下我没打包原版,只放上了破解好的主程序,自己安装原版后替换下,找不到原文件用搜索搜Sublime Text就行了,挺好的程序,收屌丝程序员的钱太不好了
Sublime 3008 破解版补丁【Sublime Text 3 Build 3008 】
Windows32位Windows64位Ubuntu32位Ubuntu64位OS X